Reverse Dependencies of frozendict
The following projects have a declared dependency on frozendict:
- acme-python-sdk — Client for OpenAPI Petstore
- agent-marketplace-sdk — Agent Marketplace API Client
- aika-putki — Task framework designed for time series data
- aika-utilities — Utilities for the aika family of projects
- aim-platform-sdk — Agent Marketplace API Client
- — "Async runner definitions"
- aiohttp-rest-api — RESTful API servers with aiohttp
- aiohttp-rest-api-fork — RESTful API servers with aiohttp - this fork was created to fix a packaging issue with the original and will be deleted once it's merged
- aiohttp-rest-api-redoc — RESTful API servers with aiohttp - forked to use redoc instead of swagger
- aiotmdb — Asyncio library for TMDb API
- albert-toolkit — Python toolkit for Albert Invent
- ampform — Automatically generate symbolic amplitude models for Partial Wave Analysis
- ampform-dpd — Symbolic expressions for Dalitz-Plot Decomposition
- anaximander — The rapid application development framework for data-intensive Python
- anchorscad-core — A Python 3D modelling API for generating OpenSCAD source code. This library simplifies the creating of 3D models. This contains only the core API and some generic basic models.
- AnnoMate — A general tool to create dashboards for manual review
- anvil-new — A Minecraft anvil file format parser, designed to work with minecraft versions 1.16+.
- anvil-parser — A Minecraft anvil file format parser
- anvil-parser2 — A parser for the Minecraft anvil file format, supports all Minecraft verions
- appengine-python-standard — Google App Engine services SDK for Python 3
- appengine-python-standard-tbafork — Google App Engine services SDK for Python 3
- archytas — A library for pairing LLM agents with tools so they perform open ended tasks
- argo-tugboat — Streamline your Argo Workflows with precision and confidence
- argshold — This project provides holders for the arguments for callables.
- ariadna — A library of featureful collection objects providing path-like keys
- atools — Python 3.6+ async/sync memoize and rate decorators
- automata-lib — A Python library for simulating finite automata, pushdown automata, and Turing machines
- automation-test-no-submodules-python-sdk — Client for Test Automation (No submodules)
- automation-test-with-submodule-python-sdk — Client for Test Automation (No submodules)
- avro-gen-topkrabbensteam — Avro record class and specific record reader generator
- backstrip — backstrip adds color-coordinated fill behind matplotlib boxplots.
- backtest-reg — no summary
- bento-cli — Free program analysis focused on bugs that matter to you.
- bento-headless — Git-aware utility for automated program analysis
- bgpy-pkg — Simulates BGP, ROV, ASPA, etc in an extensible manner
- bitsightpy — An SDK for working with BitSight Tech APIs
- bluesky-darkframes — Tools for acquiring and subtracting darkframes
- bolt-expressions — Provides pandas-like expressions capabilities to the bolt extension of mecha
- bomf — BO4E Migration Framework
- carbon-python-sdk — Client for Carbon
- causaldag — Causal DAG manipulation and inference
- cbrkit — Customizable Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) toolkit for Python with a built-in API and CLI
- ccf-openapi — HRA-API
- cdn-definitions — Data definitions for Red Hat's content delivery network
- chain-app-client-sdk — Chain App BIND client SDK
- chicken-coop — An environment for reproducing dominance hierarchies in RL agents
- chkp-harmony-endpoint-management-sdk — Harmony Endpoint Official Python SDK
- circle-sdk — Python SDK for Circle APIs
- civics-cdf-validator — Checks if an election feed follows best practices
- climify-api — A wrapper library for the Climify REST API
- clothes-sdk-ashuk203 — Python SDK for (dummy) Clothes APIs
- comfyui — An installable version of ComfyUI
- coopprodsystem — Package for Modeling production systems
- copilot-platforms-sdk — Copilot SDK
- CorpFin — Corporate Finance functionalities based on SymPy and Theano
- crosseval — crosseval
- cyansdk — A Python SDK for QQ Bot.
- d3m — project
- dasi — Automated DNA assembly planner for Python
- data_pipeline — Provides an interface to consume and publish to data pipeline topics.
- databird — Keeps a local data repository up to date with different remote data sources.
- datatrees — Wrapper for dataclasses with auto field injection, binding, self-default lamdas and more.
- dcargs — Deprecated! Install tyro instead
- decentro-in-collections-python-sdk — Client for decentro-in-collections
- decentro-in-kyc-python-sdk — KYC & Onboarding
- deci-platform-client — Deci Platform SDK
- deduce — Deduce: de-identification method for Dutch medical text
- deployment-director — no summary
- dg-commons — Common tools and utilities related to Driving Games
- dimtim-utils — Python utils
- discrete-probabilistic-model — A simple probabilistic modeling framework with discrete variables.
- distil-primitives — Distil primitives as a single library
- dkamotsky.conctx — Conversational Context
- dm-cli — no summary
- docdeid — Create your own document de-identifier using docdeid, a simple framework independent of language or domain.
- docetl — ETL with LLM operations.
- dojah-python-sdk — Client for DOJAH Publilc APIs
- dojo-compass — Realistic DeFi simulations
- dominodatalab — Python bindings for the Domino API
- eddytools — Event Data Discovery tool
- edges-io — Module for reading EDGES data and working with EDGES databases.
- eez-backup — Another convenience wrapper for _restic_
- ehelply-python-experimental-sdk — eHelply SDK - 1.1.118
- einx — Universal Tensor Operations in Einstein-Inspired Notation for Python
- elepay-python-sdk — elepay API リファレンス
- ensuro-analytics — Ensuro analytics library
- envoy.base.runner — "Runner definitions used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.base.utils — "A collection of utils used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- epinzur-trulens-eval — Library to systematically track and evaluate LLM based applications.
- es2loki — es2loki is a migration library that helps to transfer logs from Elasticsearch to Grafana Loki
- etl-entities — ETL Entities lib for onETL
- experta — Expert Systems for Python
- extremecloudiq-api — ExtremeCloud IQ API
- ezmsg-sigproc — Timeseries signal processing implementations in ezmsg
- fastapi-hypermodel — A FastAPI + Pydantic extension for simplifying hypermedia-driven API development.
- fastramqpi — Rammearkitektur integrations framework
- fcapy — A library to work with formal (and pattern) contexts, concepts, lattices
- ffq — A command line tool that makes it easier to find sequencing data from SRA / GEO / ENCODE / ENA / EBI-EMBL / DDBJ / Biosample.
- fhy-core — Core utilities for the FhY compiler infrastructure.
- file-io — Deterministic File Lib to make working with Files across Object Storage easier