Reverse Dependencies of frictionless
The following projects have a declared dependency on frictionless:
- apache-airflow-providers-fastetl — FastETL custom package Apache Airflow provider.
- bonsai-dataio — "Python package dataio of the util workflow stage of the BONSAI database"
- bonsai-ipcc — Implementation of the IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories.
- catalystcoop.ferc-xbrl-extractor — A tool for extracting data from FERC XBRL Filings.
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- cfde-submit — A command line tool for submitting CFDE Datasets
- ckanext-datapackage-creator — Data Package Creator.
- csvw — Python library to work with CSVW described tabular data
- datapackage-to-datasette — Import Frictionless Data Datapackages into SQLite and generate Datasette metadata
- dimcat — DIgital Musicology Corpus Analysis Toolkit
- dpckan — Funções para gestão de pacotes de dados no portal
- dtamg-py — Gestão do processos internos da Diretoria Central de Transparência Ativa
- echemdb — a Python library to work with the echemdb repository
- enbios — Enbios 2
- excel-validator — Validation of template based Excel files
- frictionless-dfour — Dfour Storage for frictionless-py
- frictionless-geojson — GeoJSON Parser and Dialect for Frictionless
- friendly-data — A frictionless data package implementation for energy system data.
- geometamaker — metadata creation for geospatial data
- gmnspy — no summary
- goodtables-pandas-py — Read and validate Frictionless Data Tabular Data Packages with pandas.
- haplotyping — Haplotyping
- hdx-python-utilities — HDX Python Utilities for streaming tabular data, date and time handling and other helpful functions
- lat-epig — This programme extracts the output of a search query from the [Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby (EDCS)]( in a reproducible manner and saves it as a TSV file. The output can be also plotted to a map of the Roman Empire, along with the system of Roman Provinces, roads, and cities.
- linkml-store — linkml-store
- livemark — Data presentation framework for Python that generates static sites from extended Markdown with interactive charts, tables, scripts, and other features.
- MicroView — Generate reports from metagenomics data
- mkdocs-paralex-plugin — Build static sites for paralex lexicons
- morpc — Data managment tools used by MORPC
- ms3 — A parser for MuseScore files, serving as data factory for annotated music corpora.
- nefertem-inference-frictionless — Python data validation library
- nefertem-profiling-frictionless — Python data validation library
- nefertem-profiling-ydata-profiling — Python data validation library
- nefertem-validation-frictionless — Python data validation library
- omi — A library to process and translate open energy metadata.
- opendatablend — The fastest way to get data from the Open Data Blend Dataset API
- pandera — A light-weight and flexible data validation and testing tool for statistical data objects.
- paralex — Standard for lexicons of inflected paradigms
- skeem — Infer SQL DDL statements from tabular data
- spinedb-api — An API to talk to Spine databases.
- svgdigitizer — svgdigitizer is a Python library and command line tool to recover the measured data underlying plots in scientific publications.
- unitpackage — a Python library to interact with a collection of frictionless datapackages
- validata-core — Validata Core library
- validata-table — Package used in validation tabular data
- validata-ui — Validata Web UI
- vptstools — Tools to work with vertical profile time series.
- wacz — WACZ Format Tools