Reverse Dependencies of freezegun
The following projects have a declared dependency on freezegun:
- generic-grader — A collection of parameterizable tests for automatic grading.
- generic-utils — A set of generic utility classes and helper functions for Python development.
- grafanimate — Animate timeseries data with Grafana
- great-expectations — Always know what to expect from your data.
- great-expectations-cta — Always know what to expect from your data.
- gridworks-proactor — Gridworks Proactor
- gtimelog — A Gtk+ time tracking application
- gto — Version and deploy your models following GitOps principles
- guruguru — guruguru cli toolkit
- ha-services — Helpers to send periodic information via MQTT to Home Assistant
- halo-third-party-sdk-events — The Halo Third Party SDK Events package provides support for verifying the authenticity of events.
- hamlet — Building your infrastructure
- harbor-cli — Command-line interface for Harbor.
- heaserver — The server side of HEA.
- hepcrawl — Scrapy project for feeds into INSPIRE-HEP (
- hivemind-plus — A workflow wrapper for Hivemind
- hostsmate — Anti-malware, ad-blocking, and tracking protection tool that populates and manages the Hosts file.
- hotdate — Intuitive date formatting.
- http-caching4 — Caching support for Async httpx Client. Cloned from,
- humanize — Python humanize utilities
- hypergo — Project for service bus
- icloudpd — icloudpd is a command-line tool to download photos and videos from iCloud.
- idin — IDIN Module
- igwn-monitor — Nagios (Icinga) monitoring plugins for IGWN
- — Core product for iMio events website
- imio.smartweb.common — Common utilities, vocabularies, taxonomies for imio.smartweb & co products
- imio.smartweb.core — Core product for iMio websites
- inference-tools — A collection of python tools for Bayesian data analysis
- infiniguard-health — infiniguard-health
- Interleave-Playlist — no summary
- invenio-base — "Base package for building Invenio application factories."
- inverter-connect — Get information from Deye Microinverter
- investlib — InvestLib is a Python package for backtesting ETF investments
- iqm-client — Client library for accessing an IQM quantum computer
- jrai-common-mixins — A collection of recurring mixin classes.
- juju — Python library for Juju
- jumeaux — Check difference between two responses of API.
- jztools — General python utilies
- kameleoon-client-python — Kameleoon Client Python Software Development Kit.
- karmabot — PyBites Karmabot - A Python based Slack Chatbot for Community interaction
- Keg-Auth — Authentication plugin for Keg
- KegElements — A testing ground for Keg related code and ideas.
- KegStorage — A simple storage interface with multiple backends for use in a Keg app.
- Keystone — OpenStack Identity
- kfp-toolbox — The toolbox for kfp (Kubeflow Pipelines SDK)
- khoj — Your Second Brain
- kidx-core — Machine learning based dialogue engine for conversational software.
- kohlrahbi — Tool to generate machine readable files from AHB documents
- kojo-fan-art — Fan art project for "Lonely Castle in the Mirror"(『かがみの孤城』)
- krakenapi — Python library for Kraken API.
- krbticket — Kerberos Ticket Manager
- kubedantic — Kubedantic - Pydantic models for Kubernetes
- lamatic-airbyte-cdk — A framework for writing Airbyte Connectors.
- lambdantic — Pydantic model and lambda event handler for AWS Lambda
- langwatch — Python SDK for LangWatch for monitoring your LLMs
- launchflow — Python-native infrastructure for the cloud: LaunchFlow provides a Python SDK that automatically creates and connects to production-ready infrastructure (such as Postgres, Redis, etc..) in your own cloud account. LaunchFlow completely removes the need for DevOps allowing you to focus on your application logic.
- lazy-budget — .
- lemur — Certificate management and orchestration service
- Library — xk media library
- lingualeo-sqlmesh — no summary
- logman — A Python logging library that provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for logging.
- logstruct — Structured stdlib logging
- loguru — Python logging made (stupidly) simple
- loguru-zopyx — Python logging made (stupidly) simple
- lowatt-enedis — Python client for Enedis SGE web-service
- lstosa — Onsite analysis pipeline for the CTA LST-1
- lto — LTO Network Python API
- mailmerge — A simple, command line mail merge tool
- matrix-alertbot — A matrix bot to manage alerts from Alertmanager
- maykin-json-logic-py — Build complex rules, serialize them as JSON, and execute them in Python
- maykin-python3-saml — Saml Python Toolkit. Add SAML support to your Python software using this library
- mdinfo-exiftool — Exiftool plugin for mdinfo
- mdinfo-macos — MacOS metadata plugin for mdinfo
- metaapi-cloud-copyfactory-sdk — Python SDK for SDK for CopyFactory trade copying API. Can copy trades both between MetaTrader 5 (MT5) and MetaTrader 4 (MT4). (
- metaapi-cloud-metastats-sdk — Python SDK for MetaStats forex trading statistics API. Can calculate metrics for MetaTrader accounts added to MetaApi. Supports both MetaTrader 5 (MT5) and MetaTrader 4 (MT4). (
- metaapi-cloud-sdk — SDK for MetaApi, a professional cloud forex API which includes MetaTrader REST API and MetaTrader websocket API. Supports both MetaTrader 5 (MT5) and MetaTrader 4 (MT4). CopyFactory copy trading API included. (
- metamart-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for MetaMart
- meteoblue-dataset-sdk — Easy access to the meteoblue dataset API
- metis-client — Metis infra API client in Python
- metsuri — Serial log collector and uploader
- mindfoundry.client.analyze — Mind Foundry Analyze Python Client
- minibump — Bump versions in changelogs and pyprojects
- ministryofjustice-data-platform-catalogue — Wrapper around Datahub supporting custom properties for the Find MOJ Data service.
- missive — no summary
- mkwind — mkwind is a job building/submission automator companion to mkite
- mlbench-core — A public and reproducible collection of reference implementations and benchmark suite for distributed machine learning systems.
- mod_ngarn — Simple async worker
- monasca-agent — Monitoring agent for gathering metrics and sending them to the Monasca API.
- monzo-utils — Monzo Utils
- ms-imputedhours-core — Python library to collect data about jira imputed hours and employee agreements
- msfabricutils — A Python library exposes additional functionality to work with Python Notebooks in Microsoft Fabric.
- msklv-openweather-sdk — SDK for accessing to OpenWeatherAPI
- mtg-ssm — A tool to manage Magic: the Gathering collection spreadsheets
- mutatest — Python mutation testing: test your tests!
- muttlib — Collection of helper modules by Mutt Data.
- mypy-strict-kwargs — Enforce using keyword arguments where possible.
- mysql-mimic — A python implementation of the mysql server protocol
- nef-pipelines — Tools for Manipulating NEF [NMR Exchange Format] Files and Foreign File Access
- nefelibata — A blog engine focusing on data ownership and persistence.
- nendo — The Nendo AI Audio Tool Suite