Reverse Dependencies of fpdf2
The following projects have a declared dependency on fpdf2:
- amai-ai-chatbot — African Multimodal Artificial Intelligence
- bec-lib — BEC library
- biometrics-tracker — This application records and reports biometric measurements (e.g. weight, blood pressure, pulse)
- bitcoin-safe — A bitcoin savings wallet for the entire family.
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- bktest — bktest - A simple backtester by CrunchDAO
- bookfolder — Convert an image into a bookfolding pattern
- bookvid2pdf — Convert a video of the pages of a book being flipped to a PDF.
- BrazilFiscalReport — Python library for generating Brazilian auxiliary fiscal documents in PDF from XML documents.
- cheatsheetify — cheatsheetify is a command-line tool that generates PDF versions of cheatsheets for popular command-line tools
- checkgen — Print bank checks
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- confectionary — A tool to quickly create sweet PDF files from text files.
- csv2pdf — Easily convert CSV Files to PDF Files using Python!
- cuallee — Python library for data validation on DataFrame APIs including Snowflake/Snowpark, Apache/PySpark and Pandas/DataFrame.
- daily-rss-news — no summary
- dal-pdf-creator — PDF Creator
- data-understand — Utility package for generating insights for datasets
- dax — Distributed Automation for XNAT
- dbt2pdf — Generate a PDF document from your DBT project's documentation.
- dputils — This library is utility library from digipodium
- dycw-utilities — no summary
- ebook-extractor — Export ebooks from any platform as PDF files or images.
- edapdf — Simple package to build a PDF as you do EDA.
- exam-terminal — A terminal-based exam, text, or survey tool for educators and learners
- extract-video-ppt — support export ppt from a video
- fibs-reporter — Automatically generate a pdf report containing feature importance, baseline modelling, spurious correlation detection, and more, from a single command line input
- fpdf-table — PDF table reports library
- git2pdf — Generate a PDF with the contents of files in a GitHub repository
- gnss-models — Tool to generate and evaluate mathematical models from GNSS satellites u-center csv files
- gravitools — A collection of tools for gravimeter data analysis
- hledger-args — no summary
- imagecatalog — Create a PDF contact sheet from a set of images
- img2pdf-plus — Merge images into one pdf file including useful optiıns via command line.
- imgtk — Image file manipulation toolkit
- IntelliMaint — A prognostics package by IntelliPredikt Technologies
- jarvais — jarvAIs: just a really versatile AI service
- jcs-mediagraphic — Python library for MediaGraphic Group usages
- langflow-law — A Python package with a built-in web application
- lofar-calculator — The LOFAR Unified Calculator for Imaging, or LUCI, is a unified web interface that allows users to compute several parameters relevant for planning an interferometric observation with LOFAR.
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- Magazine — Let your code take comprehensive notes and publish notes and figures as a beautiful consolidated PDF document.
- marianodoc — Produce WORD and PDF files with great ease, examples provided on import
- MDPDF-scraper — A tool to scrape websites and generate PDFs from sitemap URLs.
- musurgia — Tools for algorithmic composition.
- nekore — Create operating cost statements for apartment buildings.
- norijada-pdf — Utility for arranging short text in the PDF with minimum amount of empty space between text.
- o7pdf — PDf Reports
- ooresults — A software for the evaluation of the results of orienteering events
- opreport — Some useful multi-tenant pdf reports for OpsRamp
- paperless-asn-labels — Creates archive serial number (ASN) label sheets
- papermap — PaperMap is a Python package and CLI for creating ready-to-print paper maps.
- patcherctl — Fetch patch management data from Jamf Pro to generate comprehensive reports in both Excel and PDF formats
- pbarticles — A package to make a PDF from Pybites articles
- pdf-invoice-util — no summary
- PDFDiagramming — Draw UML diagrams in PDF format
- pdfebook — A tool to produce a PDF ebook from an cover image and interior PDF
- pdfly — A pure-python CLI application to manipulate PDF files
- pdfnumbering — A package and CLI for adding page numbering to PDFs
- pdfpipe — Python command line tool to quickly create PDFs from text content
- PDFReport — Create PDF reports
- plagdef — A tool which makes life hard for students who try to make theirs simple.
- pyaedt — High-level Python API for Ansys Electronics Desktop Framework
- pycaleva — A framework for calibration evaluation of binary classification models
- pyrit — The Python Risk Identification Tool for LLMs (PyRIT) is a library used to assess the robustness of LLMs
- pytigon-lib — Pytigon library
- pyumldiagrams — Draw UML diagrams in various formats
- pyVisio — Interactive and dynamic data visualization library
- qrImageIndexer — Tool for indexing images with QR codes
- qub-amphibian-report-generator — Generate reports from amphibian info dataset
- regener — Regener - Resume Generator
- rero-invenio-files — Files support for the RERO invenio instances.
- rjj — rjj (read-joint-jet) is a simple cmd-based data analysis/transforming wizard
- robusta-api — no summary
- rpaframework-pdf — PDF library of RPA Framework
- shredy — Create support docs for SR&ED reporting
- simplebot-manga — Read manga in Delta Chat (SimpleBot plugin)
- SimpliPyTEM — A python package to simplify the processing and analysis of TEM and in situ TEM images and videos
- slideflow — Deep learning tools for digital histology
- slip39 — Standards-compliant SLIP-39 cryptocurrency seed generation and recovery, compatible with Trezor hardware wallets
- slipdeck — Quickly generate professional packing slips for TCGPlayer and other marketplaces.
- songs-dl — Download songs on YouTube and add metadata.
- statds — Library for statistical testing and comparison of algorithm results
- suntranslator — A program to convert text into the Sun language
- surfalize — A python module to analyze surface roughness
- text-file-to-pdf — A Python-based tool converting a text file to a PDF file
- TranslationPDF — translationPdF é um pacote para a tradução de PDF.
- vijil — Python Client for Vijil
- vlinder — Package for responsible business decision making
- word-search-generator — Make awesome Word Search puzzles
- writeup-cv-cli — A command-line CV Analyzer tool that processes PDF resumes and performs analysis.