Reverse Dependencies of fmpy
The following projects have a declared dependency on fmpy:
- agentlib — Framework for development and execution of agents for control and simulation of energy systems.
- agentlib-mpc — Framework for development and execution of agents for control and simulation of energy systems.
- ansys-scadeone-core — Python interface for Ansys Scade One
- component_model — Constructs a Functional Mockup Interface component model from a python script (fulfilling some requirements).
- corrai — Data correction and Machine Learning
- cosimtlk — Cosimulation toolkit.
- crane-fmu — Basic crane simulation model including publication as FMU, for usage in the SEACo project
- ebcpy — Python Library used for different python modules for the analysis and optimization of energy systems, buildings and indoor climate
- energysim — Python package for cosimulation of multi-energy systems
- estim8 — Conduct parameter estimations for Dymola and FMU models
- estim8Beta — Conduct parameter estimations for Dymola and FMU models
- eta-utility — A framework for researching energy optimization of factory operations
- fmiprecice — A tool to co-simulate FMU models with the coupling library preCICE.
- fmugym — no summary
- githubcifun — no summary
- modestpy — FMI-compliant model identification package
- numerous-engine — Numerous - an object-oriented modelling and simulation engine.
- pdm-tester — nothing yet to say
- pycollimator — core simulation engine and API client
- PyCosimLibrary — A co-simulation library with the most common master algorithms.
- pyfmu — A set of tools for developing functional-mockup-units (FMUs) using the full capabilities of Python.
- pythonfmu — A lightweight framework that enables the packaging of Python3.x code as co-simulation FMUs.
- pythonfmu3 — A lightweight framework that enables the packaging of Python3.x code as co-simulation FMUs.
- qfmu — Quickly generate an FMU from command line
- sim-explorer — Experimentation tools on top of OSP simulation models.
- SOFIRpy — Framework for simulating FMUs and custom models written in python.
- wedoco_optimo — Optimization of Modelica models