Reverse Dependencies of flywheel-sdk
The following projects have a declared dependency on flywheel-sdk:
- flywheel-cli — Flywheel Command Line Interface
- flywheel-gear-toolkit — Tooling for developing Flywheel gears
- flywheel-transfer-utils — Common utilities for flywheel operations
- fw-curation — Flywheel Curation tools
- fw-dataset — A library for working with Flywheel datasets
- fw-gear — Flywheel Gear Tools
- fw-gear-cow-says — A gear that makes animal speak
- fw-gear-deid-export — Utilities for de-identification/anonymization of files within Flywheel
- fw-gear-deid-inplace — Deidentifies a file in place.
- fw-gear-dicom-fixer — This gear reports on the Dicom files data elements and optionally fixes or enhances the problematic ones, generating a new archive.
- fw-gear-dicom-seg-to-ohif — Flywheel Gear for converting DICOM SEG ROIs to OHIF JSON
- fw-gear-dicom-splitter — DICOM splitter based on unique tags, or localizers
- fw-gear-fhir-bundle-exporter — Export FHIR Bundles as json files
- fw-gear-file-classifier — Generic File Classifier
- fw-gear-file-esign — file-esign is a gear for e-signing plaintext and pdf files. It uses MFA to authenticate the user and incorporates identity and timestamp into an e-signature of the file.
- fw-gear-file-metadata-importer — Extract metadata of input file to Flywheel.
- fw-gear-form-and-annotations-exporter — Export Form Responses and/or Annotations to CSV file(s).
- fw-gear-freesurfer-recon-all — Gear that runs Freesurfer
- fw-gear-freesurferator — no summary
- fw-gear-hierarchy-curator — Custom hierarchy curation gear
- fw-gear-img-to-dicom — Encapsulates multiple two-dimensional image formats (e.g. png, jpg, gif, bmp) in a dicom archive.
- fw-gear-mask-exporter — no summary
- fw-gear-mriqc — Image quality metrics for quality assessment of MRI
- fw-gear-nnunetv1 — Run inference by the nnUnet v1 model.
- fw-gear-project-settings — For a given project, clone the permissions and gear rules to a new project, or export the settings for import to another project.
- fw-gear-relabel-container — Change container labels in preparation for curate-bids gear
- fw-gear-rtp2-pipeline — Tract and metrics generation for Diffusion MRI
- fw-gear-rtp2-preproc — RTP2 Pre-processing Diffusion MRI
- fw-gear-rtstruct-to-nifti — Flywheel Gear for converting RTStruct ROIs to NIfTI
- fw-gear-splitter — DICOM splitter based on unique tags, or localizers
- fw-gear-testing — Testing suite for Flywheel Gears
- fw-gear-validated-file-metadata-importer — Extract metadata of input file to Flywheel.
- fw-heudiconv — Use heudiconv heuristics for BIDS curation on flywheel
- fw-hpc-client — The HPC Client is a self-service solution that allows Flywheel jobs and gears to run on a High Performance Computing environment. Use on-premise hardware that's already available for highly-concurrent scientific workloads!
- fw-presidio-image-redactor — {{description}}
- fw-pyqt-management — A cross-platform PyQt Library to represent the Flywheel hierarchy with specific tree nodes.