Reverse Dependencies of flox
The following projects have a declared dependency on flox:
- earthdaily — EarthDaily Python Client
- easyclimate — A line of code to analyze climate
- echopype — Enhancing the interoperability and scalability in analyzing ocean sonar data
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- gedidb — A toolbox to download, process, store and visualise Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) L2A-B and L4A-C data
- gval — Flexible, portable, and efficient geospatial evaluations for a variety of data.
- HySetter — Subset hydroclimate data using HyRiver Over CONUS.
- marEx — Marine Extremes Detection and Tracking
- mmspy — A Python package for querying and analysing data from the NASA Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission.
- orcestra — Tools around the ORCESTRA field campaign
- ptolemy-iamc — A library for rasterizing shapefiles onto grids
- pydropsonde — Tools to process dropsonde data
- pyopenrivercam — pyorc: free and open-source image-based surface velocity and discharge.
- pytximport — A python implementation of `tximport` to transform transcript into gene counts
- sarsen — Algorithms and utilities for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors
- xarray — N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
- xarray-regrid — Regridding tools using xarray and flox.
- xclim — Climate indices computation package based on Xarray.
- xscen — A climate change scenario-building analysis framework, built with xclim/xarray.
- xverif — Xarray-based package for forecasts/simulations verification