Reverse Dependencies of flopy
The following projects have a declared dependency on flopy:
- apexmf — apexmf is a set of python modules for APEX-MODFLOW model evaluation and parameter estimation.
- CFPy-TUD — a Python package for the generation of MODFLOW-CFP specific input files (.cfp, .crch, .coc). CFPy is the FloPy-equivalent package for MODFLOW-CFP.
- flopy — FloPy is a Python package to create, run, and post-process MODFLOW-based models
- flopymetascript — Converts a zip with MODFLOW input files to a zip containing Flopy script
- flopyrw — Python interface based on FloPy to configure input files for MODPATH-RW
- geb — GEB simulates the environment, the individual behaviour of people, households and organizations - including their interactions - at small and large scale.
- Geoarchpy — Simpler geological and property models
- gridit — Spatial tools to translate raster or vector geometry data to regular grids
- hydropandas — Module by Artesia for loading observation data into custom DataFrames.
- hyvr — A python package for simulating hydrogeological virtual realities
- InowasFlopyAdapter — A FLOPY wrapper for the INOWAS-platform
- mf6rtm — Reactive transport model through MODFLOW 6 and PHREEQCRM
- mfpymake — pymake is a Python package to compile MODFLOW-based models.
- modflow-export — Fast & easy summarizing of MODFLOW data and export to GIS file formats
- modflow-setup — Rapid and robust construction of MODFLOW groundwater flow models
- nlmod — Python package to build, run and visualize MODFLOW 6 groundwater models in the Netherlands.
- no3gwt — Groundwater - Nitrate Decision Support Tool software for the state of Wisconsin
- pastas-plugins — Repository containing plugins to further enhance your pastas experience.
- pyemu — pyEMU is a set of python modules for interfacing with PEST and PEST++
- pygsflow — pyGSFLOW is a python package to create, run, and post-process GSFLOW-based models
- pywatershed — pywatershed is a Python package for hydrologic modeling
- sfrmaker — Rapid construction of MODFLOW SFR Package input from hydrography data
- surface-water-network — Surface water network
- swatmf — swatmf is a set of python modules for SWAT-MODFLOW model evaluation and parameter estimation.
- tsblender — Drop-in replacement for TSPROC that is a utility for inverse modeling with PEST.
- xmipy — xmipy is an extension to the bmipy Python package