Reverse Dependencies of flopy
The following projects have a declared dependency on flopy:
- apexmf — apexmf is a set of python modules for APEX-MODFLOW model evaluation and parameter estimation.
- CFPy-TUD — a Python package for the generation of MODFLOW-CFP specific input files (.cfp, .crch, .coc). CFPy is the FloPy-equivalent package for MODFLOW-CFP.
- dpest — A Python package for automating PEST (Parameter ESTimation) file creation for DSSAT crop model calibration using time series data. It generates template, instruction, and control files for parameter estimation, including tools for extending time series data.
- flopymetascript — Converts a zip with MODFLOW input files to a zip containing Flopy script
- flopyrw — Python interface based on FloPy to configure input files for MODPATH-RW
- geb — GEB simulates the environment, the individual behaviour of people, households and organizations - including their interactions - at small and large scale.
- Geoarchpy — Simpler geological and property models
- gridit — Spatial tools to translate raster or vector geometry data to regular grids
- hydropandas — Module by Artesia for loading observation data into custom DataFrames.
- hyvr — A python package for simulating hydrogeological virtual realities
- InowasFlopyAdapter — A FLOPY wrapper for the INOWAS-platform
- mf6rtm — Reactive transport model through MODFLOW 6 and PHREEQCRM
- mfpymake — pymake is a Python package to compile MODFLOW-based models.
- modflow-export — Fast & easy summarizing of MODFLOW data and export to GIS file formats
- modflow-setup — Rapid and robust construction of MODFLOW groundwater flow models
- nlmod — Python package to build, run and visualize MODFLOW 6 groundwater models in the Netherlands.
- no3gwt — Groundwater - Nitrate Decision Support Tool software for the state of Wisconsin
- pastas-plugins — Repository containing plugins to further enhance your pastas experience.
- pyemu — pyEMU is a set of python modules for interfacing with PEST and PEST++
- pygsflow — pyGSFLOW is a python package to create, run, and post-process GSFLOW-based models
- pypestutils — PEST utilities for MODFLOW
- pywatershed — pywatershed is a Python package for hydrologic modeling
- sfrmaker — Rapid construction of MODFLOW SFR Package input from hydrography data
- surface-water-network — Surface water network
- swatmf — swatmf is a set of python modules for SWAT-MODFLOW model evaluation and parameter estimation.
- tsblender — Drop-in replacement for TSPROC that is a utility for inverse modeling with PEST.
- xmipy — xmipy is an extension to the bmipy Python package