Reverse Dependencies of flit
The following projects have a declared dependency on flit:
- 153957-theme — Theme for sigal generated photo albums
- acslib — A library for interacting with Access Control Systems like Genetec or Ccure9k
- act-ratelimit — A simple rate limiter for FastAPI.
- adult-dataset — PyTorch dataset wrapper for the
- aedificator — Aedificator - Python project scaffolding tool
- aedttest — Ansys Electronics Desktop Testing Framework. Current module allows to setup and run automated tests and validate results across multiple versions of Ansys Electronics Desktop products, eg HFSS, Maxwell, Icepak, Q3D, etc
- agilkia — Automated smart testing strategies for web services.
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- aioitertools — itertools and builtins for AsyncIO and mixed iterables
- aiomultiprocess — AsyncIO version of the standard multiprocessing module
- — An asynchronous Python 3.10+ Spotify Web API wrapper.
- aiosqlite — asyncio bridge to the standard sqlite3 module
- aiosqlite-black — asyncio bridge to the standard sqlite3 module
- aiosqlite-custom — asyncio bridge to the standard sqlite3 module
- airQ — airQ - Air Quality monitoring data ( for India ) collection system, written in Python3.
- airQInsight — A tool designed to power exploratory data analysis, on airQ collected Air Quality Indicator Data.
- ak-tool — Consolidates AWS MFA login, Kubernetes context switching, and Kubernetes API token refreshing into one simple CLI tool.
- ambient-package-update — Ambient package update tool for clean and swift maintenance
- ambient-toolbox — Python toolbox of Ambient Digital containing an abundance of useful tools and gadgets.
- analogvnn — A fully modular framework for modeling and optimizing analog/photonic neural networks
- anndata-fcs — Converting FCS files to AnnData objects.
- antidotes — antidote - A Script kiddies buster tool
- appins — appins - cli tool for enabledu ecosystem
- aql — asyncio db query generator
- argdantic — Typed command line interfaces with argparse and pydantic
- arkfast — .
- arklog — Custom python logging formatter with color output.
- asciifx — Turn Python scripts into seemingly interactive sessions caught on asciicast.
- assuan — Python module and tools for communicating in the Assuan protocol.
- async-firebase-rest-api — An async python wrapper for Google's Firebase REST API's.
- asyncmake — Neovim plugin for asynchronous calls to GNU Make.
- attribution — Generate changelogs based on tag messages and shortlogs
- audioinfo — Count audio files in a directory.
- auth-checker — Contains the AuthChecker class for apps using the Auth Service
- autopep695 — Automatically upgrade to the new type syntax introduced in PEP 695 using a single command
- autosink_data_elt — no summary
- autosink-data-preparation — no summary
- autosink-data-validation — no summary
- autosink-model-evaluation — no summary
- autosink-model-training — no summary
- autosink-model-validation — no summary
- axe-playwright-python — Automated web accessibility testing using axe-core engine and Playwright.
- bancointer — Client to consume Banco Inter APIs
- bandsaw — A library for splitting python workflows into separate tasks
- believe — A easy to use validator for json content
- birdhouse-finch — A Web Processing Service for Climate Indicators.
- blockit — blockit - cli tool for encrypting and decrypting strings
- bmds-ui — U.S. EPA Dose Response Modeling Software User Interface
- boa-restrictor — A custom Python linter from Ambient
- bodge — Bodge: Python package for efficient tight-binding modeling of superconductors.
- bonded — Have your imports passed inspection?
- borg_drone — Yet another borg wrapper
- boston311 — Access service request data from the Boston 311 API.
- boxs — Automatically track data and artifacts
- bq-validator — The `bq-validator` command enables us to validate BigQuery queries.
- branthebuilder — Python package management
- build_harness — CI build harness embodying best practices for Python projects.
- caikit — AI toolkit that enables AI users to consume stable task-specific model APIs and enables AI developers build algorithms and models in a modular/composable framework
- cambridge — cambridge is a terminal version of Cambridge Dictionary.
- cambrinary — A Linux terminal online dictionary, based on `Cambridge Dictionary <>`_
- cdm_reader_mapper — Common Data Model reader and mapper toolbox
- centrality-common — Centrality common lib
- chanalyze — A simple WhatsApp Chat Analyzer ( for both Private & Group chats ), made with <3
- chess-gen — Generate chess positions and practise on Lichess.
- chlog — Keep changelogs the easy way
- Cilantropy — Cilantropy is a Python Package Manager interface created to provide an "easy-to-use" visual and also a command-line interface for Pythonistas.
- ciqar — Ciqar is a tool for creating reports from different code quality analyzers output.
- click-fuzzy — Fuzzy command matching and aliases for click
- clirunner — CliRunner test runner for command line applications.
- cloudzipfile — Use cloud-stored zipfiles with full ZipFile functionality, including partial downloads.
- clsa_axioma — Dummy package
- clsa_luigi — Dummy package
- clsa_oracle — Dummy package
- clsa_refinitiv — Dummy package
- clsa_utilities — Dummy package
- clsa_wind — Dummy package
- code-indexer-loop — Code Indexer Loop
- codetiming — A flexible, customizable timer for your Python code.
- codi_mun_datamodels — This module represents the initialization file for the `codi_mun_datamodels` package.
- codi_munis_endpoints — Munis Endpoints
- codi_payrolldates — Python library for getting payroll dates
- cogent3 — COmparative GENomics Toolkit 3: genomic sequence analysis within notebooks or on compute systems with 1000s of CPUs.
- cogent3-ete3 — cogent3 plugin for ete3
- commit5 — Locally generate commit messages using CodeTrans and FastT5
- conclib — Python concurrency library extending Pykka.
- contained — Enable function chaining for any object
- cparser — C Parser written in pure Python
- cppcpyutils — utilities for common tasks in plantcv pipelines
- crowsetta — A Python tool to work with any format for annotating animal sounds and bioacoustics data
- csr — Compressed Sparse Row matrices for Python, with Numba API.
- cura — Cura is a tool to manage and grow Communities.
- datadict — Add dictionary-like capabilities to dataclasses
- datafet — Few libriaries that we need to use in more than one of our project
- datazimmer — sscu-budapest utilities for scientific data engineering
- dateweek — Neste modulo são disponibilizadas funções de calendários.
- dbini-torch — PyTorch optimized bilateral normal integration
- deduplicationdict — A dictionary that de-duplicates values.
- deface-social — Liberate your posts from Facebook
- demandlib — Creating heat and power demand profiles from annual values
- demicode — Fixed-width display of Unicode is deeply broken