Reverse Dependencies of fleep
The following projects have a declared dependency on fleep:
- baddrop — Rebuild Airdrop
- ccs-digitalmarketplace-test-utils — Utilities for testing Digital Marketplace apps.
- ccs-digitalmarketplace-utils — Common utils for Digital Marketplace apps.
- cookit — A toolkit for self use.
- digitalmarketplace-utils — Common utils for Digital Marketplace apps.
- drivers — Unix input drivers for Software 2.0
- FileOptimizerPy — Python package and utility for files optimization
- git-hooks-1c — Git hooks utilities for 1C:Enterprise
- imgur-python — A Python client for the Imgur API
- instabotnet — Instagram readable yaml rpc api for easy instagram scheduling and promotion
- nonebot-plugin-akinator — Internet Genius - Akinator
- nonebot-plugin-gemini — ✨ Gemini AI 对话 NoneBot 插件 ✨
- opendrop — An open Apple AirDrop implementation
- Oy — A lightweight, modular, and extensible content management system based on Flask.
- tensorshow — A python module and commaned line tool for inspecting TFRecords.
- tubtools — Scraping tools for the TU Berlin web portals
- youtube-dl-scraper — Python 3 library for downloading YouTube Videos.