Reverse Dependencies of flatten-everything
The following projects have a declared dependency on flatten-everything:
- a-cv2-shape-finder — Detecting shapes with OpenCV, and getting all the important information in a DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-adb-activities2df — Converts AndroidManifest.xml into a Pandas DataFrame (with all activities, queries, permissions ...)
- a-pandas-ex-adb-execute-activities — Creates (partial) functions for every Android activity using ADB
- a-pandas-ex-automate-win32 — Automate the Microsoft Windows GUI with Pandas! Without pywin32, only ctypes!
- a-pandas-ex-css-selector-from-html — Generates all possible CSS selector combinations from an HTML string - Speed up your Selenium automation!
- a-pandas-ex-csv-plus — When pd.read_csv(csvstring, sep=r'\s+') doesn't work ...
- a-pandas-ex-easy-loc — Search and replace values with df.loc without Exceptions due to dtype incompatibility
- a-pandas-ex-image-tools — Uses pandas/numpy/numexpr for operations on pictures - very fast
- a-pandas-ex-memorydump-to-df — Load a ProcDump memory dump into a Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-obj-into-cell — Puts objects into cells / columns of a Pandas Dataframe
- a-pandas-ex-plode-tool — No more sleepless nights due to a nested dict, json, list or whatsoever
- a-pandas-ex-regex-enhancements — Get repeated capture groups, search without having to fear Exceptions in any df/Series, convert results to appropriate dtypes, use fast Trie regex
- a-pandas-ex-set — Finds intersections / differences between pandas DataFrames
- a-pandas-ex-tesseract-multirow-regex-fuzz — Regex/Fuzz search across multiple rows/Tesseract to pandas.DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-text-compare — Compares 2 texts with each other, and returns a Pandas DataFrame
- a-selenium2df — Get all attributes from each Selenium element in record time
- adbeventparser — Parses the output from 'uiautomator events' in real time and converts it to a list of lists / pandas DataFrame.
- adbkit — Big automation package for ADB
- androdf — Locates more items/views/elements on an Android device than similar automation packages by combining ADB's dumpsys activity/uiautomator
- better-template-matching — Fast template matching with multiprocessing, supports different sizes, and filters overlapping results
- bluestackspatcher — Updates IMEI/IMSI on Bluestacks 5.10 / Hyper-V / 64 bit / Android Pie
- bluestackspatcher-nougat — Updates IMEI/IMSI on BlueStacks 5.11.1002 / N32 / 32 bit / Android Nougat (probably other versions as well)
- cursesdict — creates an interactive menu system for your application or program, providing an intuitive and user-friendly interface for users to navigate and perform various actions
- enumerate-all-files-in-folder — A function that enumerates all files in a folder (and subfolders)
- fetch-content-providers-and-resolvers — Finds content providers/resolvers on Android devices
- freeproxydownloader — Gets proxies from public lists and checks them (ping, hidden IP, http connection)
- fuzzyfiles — Binary fuzzy matching in all file types [fzf (pre-filter)/rapidfuzz (finds the best result)]
- get-children-parents-recursively — Fetch all children/parents from an object/list of objects recursively!
- get-rectangle-infos — There are 3 common rectangle formats, and converting them all the time really is a pain in the a**
- getevent-sendevent — Converts getevent (ADB) into sendevent/binary, output can be saved, loaded and executed. Execution speed can be defined.
- getproclist — Retrieves the list of processes using the 'wmic' command and return the data as a pandas DataFrame
- getregdf — reg.exe query to pandas DataFrame
- group-and-iter-everything — Many useful groupby / itertools functions
- group-by-continuous-sequence — Groups lists/NumPy arrays by continuous sequence
- intersection-grouper — Groups lists by common intersections
- ldplayer9newinstances — Creates LDPlayer9 instances with independent system disk
- list-files-with-timestats — List files recursively, limit the depth of the subdirs, and get the creation and modification times
- listarray2ndarray — Converts a list of numpy arrays to a ndarray
- logcatframe — Class for capturing and parsing Android device logs using ADB.
- lxml2pandas — lxml to pandas for fast web scraping
- mehrlist — Subclass of list with more than 100 useful methods - pure Python
- mousekey — Automates mouse/keyboard, works with games like Roblox!
- multiprocshapefinder — detects and analyzes shapes in images using parallel processing.
- pdwinauto — Use Pandas to find and interact with handles, windows, and elements
- pip2df — Parses all imports and the imports of the imports of a py file into a Pandas DataFrame using pipdeptree/pipreqs/pip
- procciao — A library for killing processes/subprocesses the most gracefully way possible
- PyRipGrep — Use insanely fast regex engine RIPGREP as a python module! Search results are captured and converted to dict/numpy/pandas/generator
- regexfilesearch — Regex search in files
- rushex — Search files using the fastest Regex Engine ever - ripgrep - Replacement is also supported!
- search-in-syspath — Search for files in sys.path
- sendevent-getevent-keyboard — ADB sendevent - press multiple keys at the same time, control the duration of each event!
- shellextools — Adds Python functions/methods to the Windows context menu
- site2hdd — Download sites with public proxies - threading
- sposong — Finds similar songs
- tkconfigeditor — Dynamic tkinter config editor for files created with ConfigParser
- usefuladb — A collection of useful adb commands
- usefuladbplus — Automation library for ADB / Android
- whatdiditdo — Observes what processes are doing (Windows only)
- windows-filepath — Makes a string file path compatible (Windows)
- winrtocr — Multiprocessing library for OCR with WinRT