Reverse Dependencies of flask
The following projects have a declared dependency on flask:
- arcor2-fanuc — ARCOR2 Fanuc Service
- arcor2-kinect-azure — REST API for Kinect Azure.
- arcor2-mocks — Mocks for services developed by Kinali.
- arcor2-scene — ARCOR2 Scene Service
- arcor2-ur — ARCOR2 Universal Robots service
- arctern-server — arctern demo server
- arduiglitch — Python module for the eponym voltage glitch training. Contains everything required to run the tutorials.
- argparseware — argparseware middleware library
- argussight — An addition to MXCuBEWeb enabling simultaneous video streaming and distributed computer vision tasks.
- arisu — no summary
- ark-metrics-collector — no summary
- arkdata — This application accesses the Ark system.
- armadilloml — no summary
- arrangepy — Arrange your files in distinct folder, help you clean your PC
- arrested — A framework for rapidly building REST APIs in Flask.
- arrnounced — Notify Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr of tracker IRC announcements
- arroba — Python implementation of Bluesky PDS and AT Protocol, including repo, MST, and sync methods
- arrotechtools — Library with most of the useful methods in the world of programming
- arrowhead-client — Arrowhead client library
- artemis.bookmarks — a small bookmark api
- artifi — A Automation Tool Made By Noob
- arxiv-auth — Auth libraries for arXiv.
- arxiv-base — no summary
- arxiv-submission-core — no summary
- arXivFans — This project provides an effective way to fetch the latest papers from arXiv and view them through email notifications or a web interface.
- as-flask-docs — 对flask提供数据校验和openapi(swagger)文档自动生成的支持
- ascript — airclick 相关python包
- ascript-ios — ascript IOS python库
- ash-validity — The robust validation library for flask
- asimov — A Python package for managing and interacting with data analysis jobs.
- ask-lang — Ask is a modern open-source transpiled programming language, designed for building backend services and APIs. Ask reduces the amount of needed boilerplate code for setting up things like database connections and authentication to virtually zero lines.
- ask-robot — the robot for chat system
- aslabs-dependencies-flask — no summary
- asr — ASE recipes for calculating material properties
- asreview — ASReview LAB - A tool for AI-assisted systematic reviews
- assembly — Assembly is a pythonic object-oriented, mid stack, batteries included framework built on Flask, that adds structure to your Flask application, and group your routes by class.Assembly allows developers to build web applications in much the same way they would build any other object-oriented Python program.Assembly Makes Flask Great Again!
- assemblyline-service-server — Assemblyline 4 - Service Server
- assemblyline-ui — Assemblyline 4 - API and Socket IO server
- assemblyline-v4-service — Assemblyline 4 - Service base
- assignment-counter — no summary
- ASTAligner — ASTAligner is designed to align tokens from source code snippets to Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) nodes using Tree-sitter for AST generation and various HuggingFace tokenizers for language tokenization. The library supports a wide range of programming languages and Fast tokenizers, enabling precise mapping between source code elements and their AST representations.
- astrocalculator — A locally hosted Flask application for astronomical calculations.
- astutus — Use the Sphinx RTD Theme to create a beautiful Flask application.
- aswan — Data collection manager
- async-httpd-data-collector — Gateway facilitating asyncronous communication between sensory data-emitting devices, InfluxDB and the user.
- async-lambda-unstable — A framework for creating AWS Lambda Async Workflows. - Unstable Branch
- async-traffic-pulse — A Python package for simulating HTTP traffic
- AsyncPywhatKit — AsyncPywhatKit is a Simple and Powerful WhatsApp Automation Library with many useful Features
- asynction — SocketIO framework driven by the AsyncAPI specification. Built on top of Flask-SocketIO. Inspired by Connexion.
- athena-ai — Athena, an AI agent built on GPT-4 architecture, is designed for continuous learning and self-reliance. Inspired by the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena assists users with valuable insights across various subjects. Focused on knowledge acquisition, capability improvement, and security, this AI agent leverages natural language processing and a supportive human community to grow and become a trusted, versatile companion.
- atlas-consortia-commons — The common code supporting the web services in the consortia.
- atlasbroker — Kubernetes Broker for MongoDB Atlas Cloud provider
- atlaz — Atlaz Python SDK for API interaction
- atm — Auto Tune Models
- atman-connexion — Connexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
- atman-logging-config — Logger with request id
- atman-requests — Python HTTP for Humans.
- atml — Automation Toolkit for Machine Learning
- atom-runtime — atom runtime
- atomate — atomate has implementations of FireWorks workflows for Materials Science
- atomicpay — Simplified Payments
- atonixcore — At AtonixCorp, we're pioneering the future with cutting-edge technology solutions across agriculture, fintech, medical research, security, big data, and cloud computing. Our innovative approaches and dedicated expertise drive advancements and empower industries to reach new heights.
- attendance-app — no summary
- atuin-graph — activity graph for atuin
- audio-batch-processor — Batch tool for processing audio files.
- audio-cast — A system to cast audio input to chromecast devices.
- audio-feeder — audio-feeder provides a server that serves your audiobooks and other audio
- audit-flask — no summary
- aup-manager — app for management of acceptable use policies with API for approving them
- auth-lib-profcomff — Библиотека функций авторизации для микросервисов Твой ФФ!
- auth0-easy-api — A Python wrapper around Auth0 Authentication API and Management API to make setup and basic operations easier
- authanor — A Pythonic SQLALchemy interface to enforce authorization criteria.
- authapi — OAuth2 Code Grant Authentication API
- authentication — Learning authentication
- authentika-client — Flask-client for Authentika Server.
- authexchange — A server to handle the OAuth token exchange with FusionAuth.
- AuthMaster — A package for Flask authentication
- authup — Python plugins for the Authup authentication and authorization framework
- authutils — Gen3 auth utility functions
- AuthValid — A package for JWT token management and authentication
- auto-ams — no summary
- auto_api — Automatic Web API REST
- auto-blueprints — Flask blueprints auto discovery
- auto-feature — use featuretools for feature engineering
- auto-feature-prod — prod: use featuretools for feature engineering
- auto-flask — flask login register auto
- auto-ml-cl — Auto machine learning with scikit-learn and TensorFlow framework.
- auto-mock-server — In order to solve the interface dependence of interface test
- autoauditor — Semi-automatic scanner and vulnerability exploiter
- AutoClassifier — Automatic Image classification
- autofront — Automatic front end for Python project
- autohaus-updater — update server for autohaus server
- autoinclude-blueprints — Auto register all project flask-blueprints.
- automateimageclassification — Its an auto image classification library
- automation-sniper — Tool to convert Open API / Swagger specifications to automation framework
- automationkit — Automation Kit Test Framework
- AutoMD — AutoMD is a documentation library for Flask APIs build with FlaskRESTful and Webargs.
- automock25 — 自动模拟充值
- automua — Mail client autoconfiguration service
- automx2 — Mail User Agent auto-configuration service