Reverse Dependencies of flask-swagger-ui
The following projects have a declared dependency on flask-swagger-ui:
- adagenes — Generic toolkit for processing DNA polymorphism data
- aiqdoctests — A framework to validate request/response's json and create documentation for REST API
- airflow-extended-api — Yet another Airflow plugin using CLI command as REST-ful API.
- arcor2 — ARCOR2 base library
- conbench — Continuous Benchmarking (CB) Framework
- flamapy-rest — Flamapy feature model is a distribution of the flama framework containing all plugins required to analyze feature models. It also offers a richier API and a complete command line interface and documentation.
- flask-container — A small example package
- flask-openipa — Flask extension to create REST API documented from marshmallow schema or pydantic BaseModel.
- Flask-Shopify-Integration — no summary
- flask-swagger-init — A library for generating and publishing Swagger specifications for Flask applications.
- health-calc-pack-py — Uma API para calcular IMC e macronutrientes
- lesscode-flask — lesscode-flask 是基于flask的web开发脚手架项目,该项目初衷为简化开发过程,让研发人员更加关注业务。
- libretranslate — Free and Open Source Machine Translation API. Self-hosted, no limits, no ties to proprietary services.
- libretranslate-euber — My personal porting of libretranslate
- mapeathor — Mapeathor translates your mapping rules specified in spreadsheets to a mapping language.
- metrics-tool — no summary
- mlchain-extension — MLchain Extension Python Library
- nevermined-compute-api — Infrastructure Operator Micro-service
- novasystem — NovaSystem: An open-source AI SDK licensed under GPL-3, designed to facilitate the integration of AI into various projects. It offers a comprehensive toolkit for developers, with a requirement for users to open source their projects under the same license when using NovaSystem code. Ideal for community-driven developments and advancing AI applications.
- ocean-aquarius — 🐳 Ocean aquarius.
- ocean-brizo — 🐳 Ocean Brizo.
- ocean-provider — 🐳 Ocean Provider.
- ontologysim — no summary
- opentera — OpenTera base package
- ppeservice — Personal website generator(could be any website or small services generator)
- py-flaskbase — no summary
- safrs — SAFRS : SqlAlchemy Flask-Restful Swagger
- solution-efe-setup — Paquete de preparacion
- specd — specd
- stimekeeper — Times Up Philosophy. Think of yourself as dead
- tdp-core — Target discovery platform for exploring rankings of genes, disease models, and other entities.
- tomcru — Serverless app framework
- ul-api-utils — Python api utils
- xepmts-server — Top-level package for xepmts-server.