Reverse Dependencies of Flask-SQLAlchemy
The following projects have a declared dependency on Flask-SQLAlchemy:
- lsyflaskmicroapp-fstore — lsyflaskmicroapp_fstore
- lsyflaskmicroapp-sms — lsyflaskmicroapp_sms
- lsyflaskmicroapp-ueditor — lsyflaskmicroapp_ueditor
- lsyflaskmicroapp-video — lsyflaskmicroapp_video
- lsyflaskmicroapp-ys7 — lsyflaskmicroapp_ys7
- lumibot-jp-v1 — Modded version of Lumiwealth library
- lumibot-jp-v2 — Modded version of Lumiwealth library
- lumibot-jp-v3 — Modded version of Lumiwealth library
- lumibot-jpmod — Modded version of Lumiwealth library
- lute3 — Learning Using Texts
- MacroSignage — Web-based Digital Signage System
- malwarescan — MalwareScan Framework - Unified API frontend to various malware analysis and sandboxing backends.
- marvin-sqlalchemy-boolean-search — Boolean search expression parser for SQLAlchemy
- matrix-registration — token based matrix registration app
- maxmods — A collection of tools and utilities for Python. It includes modules for authentication, menus, and more. The library is released under the MIT License and the documentation is generated by an AI trained by OpenAI.
- MCcoordstore — simple coordinate store for minecraft
- meme-manager — A meme manager with web UI
- mercury-py — mercury-py (Mercury for Python) is a Python based microservice that allow to manage scheduled notifications sending.
- mereswine — no summary
- MetaMusic — Metamusic
- mia-accounting — A Flask accounting module.
- micro-sqlalchemy-ext — micro_sqlalchemy_ext
- microSALT — no summary
- midaxusers — Midax Users API
- minerva-ui — An out-of-the-box GUI tool for offline deep reinforcement learning
- miniagent — Multi-adaptable and lightweight server framework based on Flask
- MiniWiki — no summary
- mistela-flask — A multi-event planner flask application. It allows for RSVP options, authentication, and guest management
- mixer — Mixer -- Is a fixtures replacement. Supported Django ORM, SqlAlchemy ORM, Mongoengine ODM and custom python objects.
- mlfields — UI system to manage ML input
- moflask — Re-usable flask utilities.
- monitor-app — A simple Flask-based database viewer and manager
- monitor-server-api — A REST API that can be used a central point for collecting metrics from pytest-monitor.
- monosi — Monosi - Data observability & monitoring toolkit
- monosi-scheduler — Monosi Scheduler module
- morstar_flask_restful — Encapsulate flask_restful
- mosaic-common-utils — Utils library for Mosaic
- mudbrick — Mudbrick Builds a flask application factory boilerplate.
- MuffinService — Muffin is a solution for structured test result reporting
- mwdb-core — MWDB Core malware database
- mxcubeweb — MXCuBE Web user interface
- my-lib-api — no summary
- naver-core — A Core Ancestor Library
- naver-db — A DB Persistence Ancestor Library
- Navycut — Fullstack web framework using flask
- nci-cidc-api-modules — SQLAlchemy data models and configuration tools used in the NCI CIDC API
- nekoyume — Decentralized MMORPG based on Dungeon World
- neocortex — no summary
- netfshare — A simple flask-based file sharing service
- nexusml — A multimodal AutoML platform for classification and regression tasks
- nldcsc — Package with general devops code
- nmos-auth — OAuth2 Server Implementation
- novasystem — NovaSystem: An open-source AI SDK licensed under GPL-3, designed to facilitate the integration of AI into various projects. It offers a comprehensive toolkit for developers, with a requirement for users to open source their projects under the same license when using NovaSystem code. Ideal for community-driven developments and advancing AI applications.
- nsj-flask-utils — Utils for Flask
- nuri-cms — A lightweight API-first CMS.
- nutui — Nut Web UI using Flask
- nvflare — Federated Learning Application Runtime Environment
- nvflare-light — Federated Learning Application Runtime Environment
- nvflops — The New Version of the Free-style machine-Learning Open Platform System
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- oauth2link — oauth2 link
- oceana-jwt-auth — Oceana API library to manage JWT token in Flask Restx applications
- octoprint-dashboard — Runs server application for controlling multiple 3D printers with OctoPrint
- odcs — On Demand Compose Service
- ontologysim — no summary
- oozappa — Fabric task runner and helper. Executes and manages tasks via web browser.
- open-download-manager — no summary
- openapi-SQLAlchemy — Maps an OpenAPI schema to SQLAlchemy models.
- opencve — CVE Alerting Platform
- openlineage-airflow — OpenLineage integration with Airflow
- opentakserver — A server for ATAK, WinTAK, and iTAK
- opentera — OpenTera base package
- opsy — A multi-user/role inventory system
- orlo — Deployment data capture API
- ositah — Outils de Suivi d'Activités basé sur Hito
- otaku-info — Website providing information on Japanese entertainment media
- ownAI — Run your own AI
- Oy — A lightweight, modular, and extensible content management system based on Flask.
- paddlelabel — Web Based Multi Purpose Annotation Software
- pade — Framework for multiagent systems development in Python
- pagermaid — A telegram utility daemon and plugin framework.
- palworld_admin — Palworld Admin is a GUI to manage your Palworld Dedicated Server, including deployment, configuration, monitoring and backups.
- parsl — Simple data dependent workflows in Python
- pdfimpose-web — The code powering
- PF-Flask-DB — Flask Database Manager by Problem Fighter Library
- pgcornac — RDS-compatible Managed-Postgres Webservice
- pi-dawn — Pi Dawn
- pickyou — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- pidb — Population Imaging Database (pidb) is a tool for collecting derived data in population imaging studies.
- pih2o — An automatic plant watering application in pure Python for the Raspberry Pi.
- pikka-bird-server — Pikka Bird ops monitoring tool Server component.
- pipc-flask-app — A plugin to create flask app for pipCreator.
- pipet — Open SQL
- pitagentsai — A professional and scalable Flask-based Agent Framework with blockchain-like token management.
- pixegami-hellos — no summary
- platipy — Processing Library and Analysis Toolkit for Medical Imaging in Python
- plugo — Is a simple plugin manager that will dynamically load plugins from a directory given a config or env variable with dynamic kwargs to pass for plugin loading.
- PlutoManager — no summary
- pnow — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- poff — A quite small pdns frontend