Reverse Dependencies of Flask-Sockets
The following projects have a declared dependency on Flask-Sockets:
- archon — A framework for websocket APIs.
- dataRT — A Library for monitoring a datastream in real-time while writing data to WebSocket and InfluxDB
- errbot-backend-webapp — Webapp backend plugin for Errbot
- fastlane — fastlane is a redis and docker based queueing service.
- graphql-subscriptions — A port of apollo-graphql subscriptions for python, using gevent websockets, promises, and redis
- gridnetwork — A network router used by the PyGrid platform.
- high-templar — A python framework for creating a server which handles websockets for an existing API
- — A management API for connecting and managing Clients via websocket connections.
- nmoscommon — Common components for the BBC's NMOS implementations
- oozappa — Fabric task runner and helper. Executes and manages tasks via web browser.
- openmined.gridnetwork — A network router used by the PyGrid platform.
- phovea_server — DEPRECATED: Python server implementation of Phovea
- rss-to-graphql — A microservice proxy to convert an rss feed to a GraphQL API endpoint
- Saika — A simple web framework base on Flask.
- sphinxserve — sphinxserve renders sphinx docs monitoring file changes
- sumochip — SumoCHIP is an extremely low-budget robotics platform based on CHIP single-board computer