Reverse Dependencies of Flask-Session
The following projects have a declared dependency on Flask-Session:
- acryl-datahub-airflow-plugin — Datahub Airflow plugin to capture executions and send to Datahub
- airflow-tools — no summary
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- applyx — ApplyX
- astro-sdk-python — Astro SDK allows rapid and clean development of {Extract, Load, Transform} workflows using Python and SQL, powered by Apache Airflow.
- astronomer-providers — Apache Airflow Providers containing Deferrable Operators & Sensors from Astronomer
- burp-ui — Burp-UI is a web-ui for burp backup written in python with Flask and jQuery/Bootstrap
- ccs-digitalmarketplace-utils — Common utils for Digital Marketplace apps.
- community-dashboard-plots — no summary
- confidant — A secret management system and client.
- create-flask-package — A CLI tool for generating Flask web application scaffolding.
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- dagster-airflow — Airflow plugin for Dagster
- dagster-airlift — A toolkit for observing integration and migration between Apache Airflow and Dagster.
- datanator-query — A python API to for querying datanator DB server
- dhq-auth — {{ DESCRIPTION }}
- digitalmarketplace-utils — Common utils for Digital Marketplace apps.
- etl-server — {{ DESCRIPTION }}
- excel-validator — Validation of template based Excel files
- FlashFlask — no summary
- Flask-Beet — A flask extension that allows login via Beet app
- flask-framework-mvc — Flask MVC framework
- Flask-OIDC-SP — OIDC Service Provider for Flask applications
- flask-quickstart-generator — Flask Quickstart Generator streamlines Flask development by automatically generating a structured folder layout, expediting project setup.
- Flask-Session — Server-side session support for Flask
- Flask-Unchained — The quickest and easiest way to build large web apps and APIs with Flask and SQLAlchemy
- FlaskCasSaml — Flask-based CAS Server using SAML authentication
- flaskoidc-azure — Flask wrapper with pre-configured azure OIDC support
- flaskoidc-pp — Flask wrapper with pre-configured OIDC support
- flaskoidcpicpay — Flask wrapper with pre-configured OIDC support
- FlaskSamlSP — A SAML Service Provider Blueprint for Flask Applications
- flytrap — People tracker on the Internet. Catch a user using your URL!
- geniusrise — An LLM framework
- gridappsd-2030-5 — no summary
- gumnut-server — gumnut-server
- hivipy — Package accelerateur de developpement sur python à l'aide de FLASK
- i_xero — A set of functions to retrieve and save data into Xero.
- i_xero2 — Custom connector to Xero
- identity — This is an authentication/authorization library, currently optimized for web apps. It provides some higher level APIs built on top of Microsoft's MSAL Python.
- inat2wiki — Collection of functions to move stuff from iNaturalist to Wikidata.
- ivoryOS — an open-source Python package enabling Self-Driving Labs (SDLs) interoperability
- journal-targeter — Journal matching, using title, abstract & references.
- k8srad — This is a demo project for our Kubernetes-Ready Rapid Application Framework.
- leapfrog — Boost productivity by using a range of tools helping with ETL, modelling, reporting, and dashboards
- libretranslate — Free and Open Source Machine Translation API. Self-hosted, no limits, no ties to proprietary services.
- MAMMOth-commons — Component interfaces of the MAMMOth fairness toolkit.
- mlflow-oidc-auth — OIDC auth plugin for MLflow
- murasame — Python application development framework used by Suisei Entertainment.
- nexinfosys — Formal and executable MuSIASEM multi-system Nexus models for Sustainable Development Analysis
- open-tunnels — A perfect solution for tunnelling hosts to internet
- openid-whisperer — OpenID 1.0 Mock Identity Service
- opentera — OpenTera base package
- ordinor — Python toolkit for organizational model mining
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- panther-net — Panther: Protocol formal Analysis and formal Network Threat Evaluation Resources
- pca-b-stream — Byte Stream Representation of Piecewise-constant Array
- puft — Upgraded layer over Flask.
- pyload-ng — The free and open-source Download Manager written in pure Python
- readalongs — no summary
- s3app — S3App simplifies the access to a S3Buckets with a provider independent web based frontend which allows the visualizing and the management of the content of S3 buckets with an S3 provider independent web application.
- scirisweb — Scientific webapps for Python
- sdl-webui — Design experiment on any Python-based SDLs.
- sdss-marvin — Toolsuite for dealing with the MaNGA dataset
- sema-toolchain — Python symbolic execution package
- si-fi-o — SImple Flask IO App Skeleton
- skrate — App for skateboarding progression analysis
- staze — Upgraded layer over Flask.
- streaminghub-curator — A web interface to package datasets with DFDS metadata
- swc-utils — Provides utility functions for SWC projects
- teacup-visualization-back — Teacup visualization back-end written in Python
- TestiPy — Python test selection/execution/reporting tool
- tic-tac-toe-game — Tic Tac Toe Game
- tilty-dashboard — A live dashboard for the tilty based on Flask-SocketIO
- tzflaskoidc — Flask wrapper with pre-configured OIDC support
- utiltools — Misc tools
- vs-tabletop — Virtual Scanner Tabletop Games
- webpy-framework — Easy-to-use Python web framework built on top of Flask
- XTCryptoSignals — Platform that collects cryptocurrencies price data, fires alerts based on price sentiment and performs automatic trading.
- zly-resource — resource SDK for Python
- zly-resource-module — DingTalk SDK for Python