Reverse Dependencies of Flask-Bootstrap
The following projects have a declared dependency on Flask-Bootstrap:
- access-checker-sbhalodia — Access checker for Cisco ACL(extended ACL)
- aequitas — no summary
- alignak_backend — Alignak REST backend
- bel-commons — A web application exposing core PyBEL functionalities
- bio2bel — A framework for converting biological data sources to BEL
- Chibchas — InstituLAC Automation Tools
- conbench — Continuous Benchmarking (CB) Framework
- datagov-harvesting-logic — no summary
- dialogic-dashboard — A dashboard for viewing logs of chat bots
- dspreview — a simple preview for dsp digital advertising information
- EIVideo — EIVideo - 交互式智能视频标注工具,几次鼠标点击即可解放双手,让视频标注更加轻松
- embeddingdb — A package for storing and querying knowledge graph embeddings
- epydemicarchive — Server for archives of complex networks
- etherflow-acitoolkit — A basic toolkit for accessing the Cisco APIC.
- Flask-Datepicker — A Flask extension for jQueryUI DatePicker.
- Flask-FEFset — no summary
- flask-ponywhoosh — A search engine for Flask using Pony ORM and Whoosh.
- funboost — pip install funboost,python全功能分布式函数调度框架,funboost的功能是全面性重量级,用户能想得到的功能99%全都有;funboost的使用方式是轻量级,只有@boost一行代码需要写。支持python所有类型的并发模式和一切知名消息队列中间件,支持如 celery dramatiq等框架整体作为funboost中间件,python函数加速器,框架包罗万象,用户能想到的控制功能全都有。一统编程思维,兼容50% python业务场景,适用范围广。只需要一行代码即可分布式执行python一切函数,99%用过funboost的pythoner 感受是 简易 方便 强劲 强大,相见恨晚
- funboost-install — pip install funboost,python全功能分布式函数调度框架,。支持python所有类型的并发模式和一切知名消息队列中间件,python函数加速器,框架包罗万象,一统编程思维,兼容50% python业务场景,适用范围广。只需要一行代码即可分布式执行python一切函数。旧名字是function_scheduling_distributed_framework
- function_scheduling_distributed_framework — function scheduling distributed framework,support threading,gevent,eventlet,asyncio concurrent,support all kinds of message queue,and has manay control way
- genotype — genotype provides an automated pipipeline for comparinggenotypes from different assays.
- gilda — Grounding for biomedical entities with contextual disambiguation
- idq — iDigQuality Base Module
- ipquery — Web application to allow SAML authenticated users to searchmultiple AWS accounts for instances by IP
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- Keg-Auth — Authentication plugin for Keg
- labeller — Create image labelling software for machine learning applications.
- larigira — A radio automation based on MPD
- libreant — {e,}book archive focused on small grass root archives, distributed search, low assumptions
- MAMMOth-commons — Component interfaces of the MAMMOth fairness toolkit.
- nashi — A webapp for the transcription of scanned pages
- Navycut — Fullstack web framework using flask
- open-download-manager — no summary
- ordinor — Python toolkit for organizational model mining
- pade — Framework for multiagent systems development in Python
- paper-trading — creat your own paper trading server
- pnow — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- pollux — Sophisticated corpus linguistics
- predictnow-api — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- projects-site — A website template for hosting project metadata information via flask
- pyabc — Distributed, likelihood-free ABC-SMC inference
- pydirl — Quick file sharing solution
- pyfra — A framework for research code
- pyfw — python framework
- pygameweb — website.
- pytaxonomies — Python API for the taxonomies.
- python-figo — Python bindings for the figo Connect API:
- qdtrader — QuantDo Trader SDK for quants
- qetrader — Quantease Trader SDK for quants
- qrgen — A webapp to generate QR codes
- Red-Web-Dashboard — An easy-to-use interactive web Dashboard to control your Red bot!
- scikgraph — no summary
- scout-browser — Clinical DNA variant visualizer and browser.
- seamm-dashboard — The Web Dashboard for SEAMM (Simulation Environment for Atomistic and Molecular Simulations).
- snapcastr — webinterface to control a snapcast server
- tilty-dashboard — A live dashboard for the tilty based on Flask-SocketIO
- tuxpub — The Serverless File Server
- typhoonw — typhoon analysing website for yyp
- victims-web — Victims Web Service
- vs-tabletop — Virtual Scanner Tabletop Games
- WebGrid — A library for rendering HTML tables and Excel files from SQLAlchemy models.
- zly-resource — resource SDK for Python
- zly-resource-module — DingTalk SDK for Python