Reverse Dependencies of Flask-BabelEx
The following projects have a declared dependency on Flask-BabelEx:
- betterlifepsi — Betterlife Intelligent PSI(Purchase, Sales and Inventory) system
- cds-sorenson — CDS API to use Sorenson transcoding server
- cernopendata-pages — Pages for CERN Open Data Portal.
- exonwebui — Simple lightweight libs for UI web applications.
- Flask-Security-Elucidata — Simple security for Flask apps.
- Flask-Unchained — The quickest and easiest way to build large web apps and APIs with Flask and SQLAlchemy
- invenio-files-multisum-storage — PyFS File Storage For Invenio with support for multiple checksum algos
- invenio-files-processor — Invenio module for files' processing and or transforming.
- invenio-oarepo — Open Access Repository for Invenio
- invenio-oarepo-files-rest — REST API for uploading/downloading files for OArepo.
- invenio-oarepo-ui — OARepo UI module for invenio
- invenio-openaire — OpenAIRE service integration for Invenio repositories.
- invenio-orcid — ORCID integration for Invenio.
- invenio-records-links — A generic links module for Invenio
- kunteksto — The tool to translate your CSV data files into RDF, XML and JSON with full semantics and syntactic validation.
- link-crab — A link crawler and permission testing tool for websites
- mongrey — Greylist Service for Postfix
- oarepo-heartbeat-common — Common heartbeat checks for OArepo instances
- oarepo-runtime — A set of runtime extensions of Invenio repository
- opentera — OpenTera base package
- Oy — A lightweight, modular, and extensible content management system based on Flask.
- packtools — Handle SPS packages like a breeze.
- pidb — Population Imaging Database (pidb) is a tool for collecting derived data in population imaging studies.
- quokka — Content Management Framework for Python
- studygovernor — Study Governor is a controller for data in large population imaging studies.
- task-manager — The TaskManager is a server that tracks and dispenses tasks for clients to perform.
- zenodo-accessrequests — Zenodo module for providing access request feature.
- zintor — Python Admin Package