Reverse Dependencies of Flask-API
The following projects have a declared dependency on Flask-API:
- algoands — My first Python package
- buildingmotif — Building Metadata OnTology Interoperability Framework
- dagonstar — DAGon* is a simple Python based workflow engine able to run job on everything from the local machine to distributed virtual HPC clusters hosted in private and public clouds.
- datacalc — My first Python package
- dataspine-cli — Dataspine CLI client
- datcat — Simple Data Catalogue API
- deadpan-api — Tool for creating deadpan tools with the flask structure.
- digsandpaper — digsandpaper
- dudl — The DUDL Game
- easierai-trainer-library — This library contains AI code for training purposes.
- gearpgmdata — My first Python package
- machaao — A module for python developers looking to build, prototype & deploy deeply personalized chatbots
- merlin-utils — Merlin utils
- miniagent — Multi-adaptable and lightweight server framework based on Flask
- Misalignmentpgm — My first Python package
- ml2p — A minimum-lovable machine-learning pipeline, built on top of AWS SageMaker.
- mzrewards — Mzaalo Rewards Utility functionalities
- nanowire_flask — Tool for creating nanowire tools with the flask structure.
- pomace — Dynamic page objects for browser automation.
- pymlpipe — PyMLpipe is a Python library for ease Machine Learning Model monitering and Deployment.
- scoutr — Generic full access control API for talking to a NoSQL database
- SimpleAlgo — My first Python package
- simplealgorithm — My first Python package
- SimpleAlgos — My first Python package
- spinectl — Dataspine CLI client
- st-menu — Customizable menu component for the streamlit developers
- st-menu-component — Customizable menu component for the streamlit developes
- Streamlit-menu — Customizable menu component for the streamlit developers
- zoracloud — A package with a base Flask CRUD backend common code