Reverse Dependencies of flake8-pep3101
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-pep3101:
- abilian-devtools — A curated set of dependencies for quality software development
- cef_logger — ArcEvent -- Class for creating events for logging.
- ci — Easily run common CI tasks for Python builds.
- crepr — Create a __repr__ for your python classes from the definition found in __init__
- ezflakehell — Flake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable
- flake8-aggressive — Flake8 aggressive plugins pack
- flake8-codes — CLI tool to introspect flake8 plugins and their codes.
- flake8-dunder-class-obj — A flake8 plugin to report on double underscore class objects
- flakehell — Flake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable
- flict — FOSS License Compatibility Tool
- graphene-gino — no summary
- linkedin-messaging — An unofficial API for interacting with LinkedIn Messaging
- mixt — Write html components directly in python and you have a beautiful but controversial MIXTure
- nichtparasoup — A hackspaces entertainment system
- ninjin — no summary
- OpenFisca-France-Fiscalite-Miniere — French mining tax system for OpenFisca
- oracle-object-mapping — Oracle Object Mapping.
- osadl-matrix — OSADL license compatibility matrix
- pattern-feedback-tool — Design Pattern Feedback Tool
- procustodibus-agent — Synchronizes your WireGuard settings with Pro Custodibus.
- procustodibus-broker — Pushes events from Pro Custodibus into your security management systems.
- pygeoif — A basic implementation of the __geo_interface__
- pynso-restconf — A Python client library for Cisco NSO (previously tail-f).
- pyproject-pre-commit — pre-commit hooks for python projects using pyproject.toml.
- sublime-music — A native GTK *sonic client.
- textdistance — Compute distance between the two texts.
- vanta — Blacker than black
- vercheck — Check if a version number is PEP-440 compliant and optionally compare it against a version specified in a python file or the PKG-INFO metadata file.
- watched — It's like watch, but with history.
- znake — Build system for Python projects.