Reverse Dependencies of flake8-no-implicit-concat
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-no-implicit-concat:
- django-mcadmin — Easily run Django management commands from admin
- django-opensearch — Handle opensearch.xml
- django-project-version — Django reusable app to show your project version
- django-read-only-admin — Really full Django read only admin implementation
- django-xicon — Django reusable application to handle modern bunch of site icons
- flake8-aggressive — Flake8 aggressive plugins pack
- flake8-dunder-class-obj — A flake8 plugin to report on double underscore class objects
- flare-capa — The FLARE team's open-source tool to identify capabilities in executable files.
- histdatacom — A Multi-threaded/Multi-Process command-line utility and python package that downloads currency exchange rates from Imports to InfluxDB. Can be used in Jupyter Notebooks.
- pre-commit-config-shellcheck — Tool for checking entry points in the pre-commit config with ShellCheck.
- superduperreload-core — Backend package for superduperreload's core functionality