Reverse Dependencies of flake8-isort
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-isort:
- py-pepe — use python scripts in unix pipes
- py7zr — Pure python 7-zip library
- pybcj — bcj filter library
- pybids-reports — pybids-reports: report generator for BIDS datasets
- pybolt-client — "REST API Client for Passbolt servers."
- pyclugen — Multidimensional cluster generation in Python
- pyfmmlib — Python wrappers for particle FMMs
- PyFstat — a python package for gravitational wave analysis with the F-statistic
- pyinfra — pyinfra automates/provisions/manages/deploys infrastructure.
- pyinfra-docker — Install & configure Docker with `pyinfra`.
- pyinfra-forked-by-stone-w4tch3r — Custom version for developing pyinfra
- PyMARE — PyMARE: Python Meta-Analysis & Regression Engine
- pyppmd — PPMd compression/decompression library
- pyramid-notebook — Embed IPython Notebook shell on your Pyramid website
- pySPFM — A python package for Paradigm Free Mapping (3dPFM and 3dMEPFM).
- pystreet — Street address parsing and normalization
- pytac — Python Toolkit for Accelerator Controls
- python-bluesky-taskgraph — A Library to add TaskGraph implementation of plans to Bluesky
- python-dev-tools — Needed and up-to-date tools to develop in Python
- python-graphql-client — Python GraphQL Client
- python-ottype — A python implementation of Operational Transformation.
- python-twitch-client — Easy to use Python library for accessing the Twitch API
- python3-pip-skeleton — One line description of your module
- pytorch-fid — Package for calculating Frechet Inception Distance (FID) using PyTorch
- qgis-deployment-toolbelt — QGIS deployment toolbelt is a CLI (Command Line Interface) to perform redundant operations after a QGIS deployment.
- qgis-plugin-ci — Let qgis-plugin-ci package and release your QGIS plugins for you. Have a tea or go hiking meanwhile. Contains scripts to perform automated testing and deployment for QGIS plugins. These scripts are written for and tested on GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Travis-CI, and Transifex.
- rabbit-tunnel — Publish your local server to public via rabbit-tunnel
- rabbit-tunnel-server — A server for rabbit tunnel
- ragelo — RAGElo: A Tool for Evaluating Retrieval-Augmented Generation Models
- raster-forge — Raster Forge is an package for the manipulation of raster data. It includes a library and a graphical user interface (GUI) application.
- rate-limited — Use slow, rate-limited APIs - like those of Large Language Models - as efficiently as possible
- redipy — redipy is a uniform interface to Redis-like storage systems. It allows you to use the same Redis API with different backends that implement the same functionality.
- reference_package — A basic package setup with examples.
- requests-ntlm3 — The HTTP NTLM proxy and/or server authentication library.
- restorable — Restorable objects, configuration, and modules
- rockingester — Service to discover incoming images from the Formulatrix Rockmaker and ingest them into the database.
- runcon — Manage a multitude of runs through hierarchical configuration
- scattermind — A decentralized and distributed horizontally scalable model execution framework.
- scene-synthesizer — Quickly generate a random articulated scene for robotics research and applications
- scikit-cache — Pickle-based caching library with SKLearn estimators supports
- seals — Suite of Environments for Algorithms that Learn Specifications
- seqdiag — seqdiag generates sequence-diagram image from text
- serde-ext — Extended classes and functions for use with Serde
- setuptools-openapi-generator — A setuptools extension for generating OpenAPI clients
- sgn — A framework to help navigate buffers through a graph. The buffers must flow.
- sgn-ligo — LIGO Extensions for the SGN Framework
- sgn-ts — TimeSeries Extensions for SGN Framework
- sgnl — Inspiral Search Pipeline using SGN Framework
- shelmet — A shell power-up for working with the file system and running subprocess commands.
- skeleton-says — Commandline application with a talking skeleton
- snregales — snregales python libraries
- soakdb3 — Replacement for soakdb2, including a new database backend.
- sphinx-rtd-theme-github-versions — Sphinx readthedocs theme with support for documentation versions from
- sqlservice — The missing SQLAlchemy ORM interface
- square-calculator-library — The library allows you to calculate the area of geometric shapes.
- stm32loader — Flash firmware to STM32 microcontrollers using Python.
- stream-chat — Client for Stream Chat.
- sts-lib — An open library for flexible simplified-traditional Chinese text conversion.
- sxolar — Scholar's tools for working with Arxiv
- talqual — TAL Chameleon (static site generator)
- teamplify — Teamplify on-premise runner
- tedana — TE-Dependent Analysis (tedana) of multi-echo functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data.
- tedana-regressors — "A simple Python package to generate regressors based on the tedana classification"
- test-task-client-eugen — no summary
- tickit — Event-based device simulation framework
- tickit-devices — Devices for tickit, an event-based device simulation framework
- tomte — A library that wraps many useful tools (linters, analysers, etc) to keep Python code clean, secure, well-documented and optimised.
- valohai-wattson — Carbon emissions calculator
- vanta — Blacker than black
- vmail-cli — CLI to manage your vmail server (Dovecot, Postfix, MySQL)
- wagtail-personalisation — A Wagtail add-on for showing personalized content
- wagtail-site-check — A Wagtail app to check the configuration of Wagtail Sites.
- wagtailembedpeertube — Embed PeerTube videos into Wagtail
- web2vec — Website to vector representation library
- webscrapbook — A backend toolkit for management of WebScrapBook collection.
- wemake-python-styleguide — The strictest and most opinionated python linter ever
- wilmes — Message fetching library for a Finnish school site
- wtpython — A TUI that interactively helps you solve errors that might arise in your code.
- xchem-chimp — XChem CHIMP
- xchembku — XChem Business Knowledge Unit. Service, Client, API, persistent store.
- ya.resourcepool — Resource management for Python objects
- yap-styleguide — Yet another python styleguide
- yastyleguide — Yet another styleguide.
- zarr-checksum — Checksum support for zarrs stored in various backends
- zipfile-inflate64 — Extract Enhanced Deflate ZIP archives with Python's zipfile API.
- zulu — A drop-in replacement for native datetimes that embraces UTC