Reverse Dependencies of flake8-import-order
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-import-order:
- numgrad — Simple gradient computation library in Python
- obj-url — URL utility class
- octavia — OpenStack Octavia Scalable Load Balancer as a Service
- opencv-stubs — Unofficial stubs for the opencv-python package.
- OpenFisca-Country-Template-draft — OpenFisca tax and benefit system for Country-Template
- OpenFisca-France-Fiscalite-Miniere — French mining tax system for OpenFisca
- OpenFisca-France-Pension — OpenFisca tax and benefit system for France-Pension
- openmetadata-sqllineage — OpenMetadata SQL Lineage for Analysis Tool powered by Python and sqlfluff based on sqllineage.
- opensearch-logger — OpenSearch logging handler
- opera — Lightweight TOSCA orchestrator
- oracle-object-mapping — Oracle Object Mapping.
- osprofiler — OpenStack Profiler Library
- outrun — Delegate execution of a local command to a remote machine.
- pamqp — RabbitMQ Focused AMQP low-level library
- pasqal-sdk — Software development kit for Pasqal cloud platform.
- pdupes — Python duplicate file checker
- pelican-css-cache-bust — Calculate a CSS_FILE_CACHE_BUST value to use as cache bust query strings
- personalcapital-cli — Personal Capital CLI
- plugger — Plugger: A simple setuptools-entrypoints-based plugin manager.
- plums — Playground ML Unified Microlib Set: The Playground ML python toolbox package
- pocketwalk — Pocketwalk: Watch/Run/Commit.
- ptee — "Progress tee", an enhanced "tee" program with in-place overwriting of "status".
- ptflops — Flops counter for neural networks in pytorch framework
- public-suffix-list — Split domain names into subdomain, registered, and public parts per the Public Suffix List
- py-kz-validators — A collection of Python validators for various Kazakhstani identification numbers, such as the Individual Identification Number (IIN) and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
- py-module-boilerplate — no summary
- py-parser-sber — Simple parser of Sberbank, using selenium
- pybldc — Tool for flashing a VESC via CAN-bus or serial/USB using Python.
- pyCEO — A minimal and ridiculously good looking command-line-interface toolkit.
- pycmark — CommonMark parser for docutils
- pycmark-gfm — A GitHub Flavored Markdown parser for docutils
- pycookiecheat-slack — Borrow cookies from your browser's authenticated session for use in Python scripts.
- pyeventsystem — An event driven middleware library for Python
- PyHearThis — A python client for the music community API
- pykx — An interface between Python and q
- pyleftpad — Python leftpad
- pymanopt — Toolbox for optimization on Riemannian manifolds with support for automatic differentiation
- pyreachx — Python Code Reachability Analyzer
- pysketcher — Geometric Sketching Utility for Python
- pyspotify — Python wrapper for libspotify
- pytest-local-badge — Generate local badges (shields) reporting your test suite status.
- pytest-postgres — Run PostgreSQL in Docker container in Pytest.
- python-clint-utilities — A library of stuff I use a lot.
- python-dos-like — Python bindings for the dos-like programming library
- python-genomespaceclient — Python bindings and commandline client to the GenomeSpace API
- python-supercell — A library for working with various sources of weather information.
- rak811 — Interface for RAK811 LoRa module
- regopy — Python interface for the OPA Rego Language and Runtime
- rimseval — Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry (RIMS) Data Evaluation for CRD Files.
- robustranking — Package for ranking algorithms
- rosdoc2 — Command line tool to build documentation for ROS packages.
- rpycocotools — Package providing utilities to load, manipulate, convert and visualize COCO format datasets.
- rpycocotools-stubs — Package stubs for rpycocotools.
- runaway — Coroutine runner
- s1-enumerator — Enumerates Sentinel-1 A/B Interferograms
- scisort — Smart sorting algorithm for files and folders in research projects and repositories
- scitree — One downloader for many scientific data and code repositories!
- scludam — Star cluster detection and membership estimation based on GAIA data.
- seaworthy — Test Docker container images
- selenium-probes — A framework for building Selenium-based probes.
- sem-ver — Semantic Version Processor
- semaphore-bot — Semaphore: A simple (rule-based) bot library for Signal Private Messenger.
- simplenet — A simple neural network in Python
- simplify — Produce simplified likelihoods of different formats
- simplify-hep — Produce simplified likelihoods of different formats
- simpml — SimpML is an open-source, no/low-code machine learning library in Python that simplifies and automates machine learning workflows.
- societeinfo — Python wrapper to SOCIETE INFO api.
- solar-client — A simple Python API client for the Solar Blockchain.
- solar-crypto — A simple Cryptography Implementation in Python for the Solar Blockchain.
- sops-wrapper — A small wrapper around sops
- sphinxcontrib-commonmark — Yet another commonmark processor for Sphinx
- sphinxcontrib-details-directive — "details" directive for Sphinx
- sprockets-statsd — Asynchronously send metrics to a statsd instance.
- sqllineage — SQL Lineage Analysis Tool powered by Python
- ssm-ps-template — CLI for rendering configuration templates with SSM Parameter Store as a data source
- svnwrap — Wrapper script for Subversion command-line client
- synergy-dataset — Python package for the SYNERGY dataset
- tbm-utils — A commonly-used set of utilities used by me (thebigmunch).
- tempocli — Command line interface for interacting with Tempo.
- texteditor — Like webbrowser, but for the text editor.
- textualodon — Mastodon client for terminal. Created with an excellent Textual framework.
- thenewboston-ml-dev — no summary
- thorod — A CLI utility for torrent creation and manipulation.
- tile-mate — Create rasters from global tiles
- tongsuopy — Tongsuo Python SDK
- tongsuopy-crayon — Tongsuo Python SDK
- total-perspective-vortex — A library for routing entities (jobs, users or groups) to destinations in Galaxy
- tri-py — A package for efficient loglikelihood evaluation with structured covariance matrices
- trickster — Trickester is a Python/Flask application for mocking REST APIs
- uactor — uActor: Process Actor Model
- ucrspawner — JupyterHub spawner for Marathon UCR
- uri-template — RFC 6570 URI Template Processor
- urihandler — A tiny application that handles (cool) uri's.
- uriregistry — A central URI registry that tracks where a certain URI is being used.
- ustache — ustache, Mustache for Python
- vgs-style — Library for linting and formatting Python source code
- widlparser — WebIDL Parser
- wildebeest — Bulk image processing
- wkflws — "Wkflws Framework"
- wkflws-slack — "wkflws node - wkflws_slack"