Reverse Dependencies of flake8-eradicate
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-eradicate:
- aac — A distinctly different take on Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) that allows a system modeller to define a system in simple yaml.
- aac-bom — Architecture-as-Code (AaC) plugin for material modeling. Rigorously track your sites, assemblies, and parts.
- aac-gen-gherkin — An AaC plugin that generates Gherkin feature files from model behavior scenarios.
- aac-req-qa — no summary
- blastpipe — OZI Project utility library.
- coffee-n-py — no summary
- cosmics — Tools for an event-driven design following Cosmic Python
- dbnomics-fetcher-toolbox — Toolbox of functions and data types helping writing DBnomics fetchers.
- dependency-track-api — A wrapper for the Dependency Track REST API.
- django-djcopyright — Django reusable app to show pretty formatted copyright years
- django-humans-txt — Handle humans.txt
- django-mcadmin — Easily run Django management commands from admin
- django-opensearch — Handle opensearch.xml
- django-po2xls — Convert gettext .po files to .xls
- django-project-version — Django reusable app to show your project version
- django-read-only-admin — Really full Django read only admin implementation
- django-security-txt — Handle security.txt
- django-xicon — Django reusable application to handle modern bunch of site icons
- django-xls2po — Convert django-po2xls generated .xls files to .po files
- dogbone — Datadog compatible telemetry handler
- dosage — a comic strip downloader and archiver
- dreg-client — API client for Docker Registries
- drytoml — Keep toml configuration centralized and personalizable
- — DTB: Base dev tools
- exporgo — Experiment organizer
- ezflakehell — Flake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable
- flake8-aggressive — Flake8 aggressive plugins pack
- flake8-awesome — Flake8 awesome plugins pack
- flake8-codes — CLI tool to introspect flake8 plugins and their codes.
- flake8-dunder-class-obj — A flake8 plugin to report on double underscore class objects
- flakehell — Flake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable
- flict — FOSS License Compatibility Tool
- formelsammlung — Collection of different functions
- freiner — Generic rate limiting solution for python applications, supporting various strategies and storage backends (redis and memcached).
- furbox — Python library for various furry media utilities
- geotribu — Une ligne de commande pour Geotribu qui offre des outils pour rechercher et consulter les contenus et images, et faciliter les tâches récurrentes des contributeur/ices.
- graphene-gino — no summary
- hyperstyle — A tool for running a set of pre-configured linters and evaluating code quality.
- juice-geopipeline — no summary
- juice-phs — no summary
- magic-storage — Small Python 3 library providing wrapper classes for storage (caching) of test resources (and unintentionally other types of resources too).
- mkdocs_github_changelog — mkdocs extension to autogenerate changelog from github
- mkdocs_licenseinfo — mkdocs extension to visualise package dependencies license information
- mkdocs-rss-plugin — MkDocs plugin which generates a static RSS feed using git log and page.meta.
- nasty — NASTY Advanced Search Tweet Yielder
- nasty-typeshed — Python stub files created during NASTY's development.
- nasty-utils — Independent useful utilities created during NASTY's development.
- ninjin — no summary
- nneve — Neural Network Eigenvalue Estimator for quantum oscillator problem.
- nskit — Namespace Development Kit, providing a set of useful utilities for building software (in python namespaces)
- OpenFisca-France-Fiscalite-Miniere — French mining tax system for OpenFisca
- osadl-matrix — OSADL license compatibility matrix
- OZI — Package Python projects with Meson.
- ozi-core — The OZI Project packaging core library.
- OZI.spec — Versioned specification standard metadata for OZI Project tools.
- ozi_templates — OZI Project package templates.
- pattern-feedback-tool — Design Pattern Feedback Tool
- plums — Playground ML Unified Microlib Set: The Playground ML python toolbox package
- pre-commit-config-shellcheck — Tool for checking entry points in the pre-commit config with ShellCheck.
- procustodibus-agent — Synchronizes your WireGuard settings with Pro Custodibus.
- procustodibus-broker — Pushes events from Pro Custodibus into your security management systems.
- py-hydroweb — Python API to search and download hydrological data from the catalog
- pycommons — A package with utility functionality for Python projects.
- pytest-helm-templates — Pytest fixtures for unit testing the output of helm templates
- python-dev-tools — Needed and up-to-date tools to develop in Python
- qgis-deployment-toolbelt — QGIS deployment toolbelt is a CLI (Command Line Interface) to perform redundant operations after a QGIS deployment.
- rearden — Library of useful data structures for data preprocessing, vizualizations and grid search
- restorable — Restorable objects, configuration, and modules
- sdv-installer — Package to install SDV Enterprise.
- service-oriented — Toolkit for building service oriented applications in python
- TAP-Consumer — Parses and serializes Test Anything Protocol output.
- TAP-Producer — Test Anything Protocol producer API for Python.
- test-task-client-eugen — no summary
- tomte — A library that wraps many useful tools (linters, analysers, etc) to keep Python code clean, secure, well-documented and optimised.
- trickster — Trickester is a Python/Flask application for mocking REST APIs
- watched — It's like watch, but with history.
- wemake-python-styleguide — The strictest and most opinionated python linter ever