Reverse Dependencies of flake8-builtins
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-builtins:
- afkode — Personal voice command interface for iPhone on pythonista powered by Whisper and ChatGPT.
- agenet — Age of Information Model for wireless networks
- aleksis-builddeps — AlekSIS (School Information System) — Build/Dev dependencies for apps
- amsterdam-airflow-tools — Tools to work with Amsterdam airflow instances.
- amsterdam-schema-tools — Tools to work with Amsterdam Schema.
- ap-games — Games Tic-Tac-Toe and Reversi with CLI.
- ase-notebook — Highly configurable 2D (SVG) & 3D (threejs) visualisations for ASE/Pymatgen structures, within the Jupyter Notebook
- asf-snow — Snow depths calculation
- audio-metadata — A library for reading and, in the future, writing metadata from audio files.
- automl-utils — Facilitating reproducible AutoML research.
- avicortex — Python functions and classes to build connectivity graphs and datasets from Freesurfer's brain cortical measurements.
- azkv — CLI client for the Azure Key Vault data plane
- biuletyn-bip — Polish BIP (Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej) as Flask application
- botblox — BotBlox Manager CLI tool
- catalystcoop.pudl-catalog — A catalog of open data related to the US energy system.
- catkin_pkg — catkin package library
- cef_logger — ArcEvent -- Class for creating events for logging.
- cinemagoerng — Retrieve data from the IMDb.
- class-based-fastapi — Class based routing for FastAPI
- co2dice — Polyvers's lib to derive subproject versions from tags on Git monorepos.
- co2gui — Polyvers's lib to derive subproject versions from tags on Git monorepos.
- coco_types — Package for handling COCO datasets types.
- colcon-alias — Extension for colcon to create and modify command aliases.
- colcon-bash — Extension for colcon to provide Bash scripts.
- colcon-cargo — Extension for colcon to support cargo packages.
- colcon-clean — Extension for colcon to clean package workspaces.
- colcon-cmake — Extension for colcon to support CMake packages.
- colcon-core — Command line tool to build sets of software packages.
- colcon-defaults — Extension for colcon to read defaults from a config file.
- colcon-devtools — Extension for colcon to provide information about all extension points and extensions
- colcon-ed — Extension for colcon to edit file in directories.
- colcon-gradle — Extension for colcon to support Gradle packages.
- colcon-installed-package-information — Extensions for colcon to inspect packages which have already been installed.
- colcon-lcov-result — Extension for colcon to gather test results.
- colcon-mixin — Extension for colcon to read CLI mixins from files.
- colcon-notification — Extension for colcon to provide status notifications.
- colcon-output — Extension for colcon to customize the output in various ways.
- colcon-override-check — Extension for colcon to check for potential problems when overriding installed packages.
- colcon-package-information — Extension for colcon to output package information.
- colcon-package-of — Extension for colcon to get packages of files.
- colcon-parallel-executor — Extension for colcon to process packages in parallel.
- colcon-powershell — Extension for colcon to provide PowerShell scripts.
- colcon-python-setup-py — Extension for colcon to support Python packages with the metadata in the file.
- colcon-recursive-crawl — Extension for colcon to recursively crawl for packages.
- colcon-rerun — Extension for colcon to quickly re-run a recently executed verb.
- colcon-ros — Extension for colcon to support ROS packages.
- colcon-ros-cargo — Extension for colcon to support Ament Cargo packages.
- colcon-ros-distro — Extension for colcon to discover packages in a ROS distribution.
- colcon-ros-domain-id-coordinator — Extension for colcon to coordinate different DDS domain IDs for concurrently running tasks.
- colcon-ros-gradle — Extension for colcon to support Ament Gradle packages.
- colcon-zsh — Extension for colcon to provide Z shell scripts.
- collate-sqllineage — Collate SQL Lineage for Analysis Tool powered by Python and sqlfluff based on sqllineage.
- commented-configparser — Custom ConfigParser class that preserves comments in file when writing
- commit-tracker — Commit Tracker analyzes Git repositories to present comprehensive statistics.
- corslib — Policy-based CORS support library for web applications
- cylc-flow — A workflow engine for cycling systems
- cylc-rose — A Cylc plugin providing support for the Rose rose-suite.conf file.
- cylc-uiserver — Cylc UI Server
- dbnomics-fetcher-toolbox — Toolbox of functions and data types helping writing DBnomics fetchers.
- dedoc-utils — Utils for automatic document images processing
- deform — Form library with advanced features like nested forms
- dem-stitcher — Download and merge DEM tiles for processing interferograms with ISCE2.
- digisondeindices — Download and parse Digisonde data products.
- discogs-track — no summary
- discretize — Discretization tools for finite volume and inverse problems
- django-app-tree — no summary
- django-djcopyright — Django reusable app to show pretty formatted copyright years
- django-humans-txt — Handle humans.txt
- django-mcadmin — Easily run Django management commands from admin
- django-microsoft-auth — Simple app to enable Microsoft Account, Office 365 and Xbox Live authentcation as a Django authentcation backend.
- django-opensearch — Handle opensearch.xml
- django-po2xls — Convert gettext .po files to .xls
- django-project-version — Django reusable app to show your project version
- django-read-only-admin — Really full Django read only admin implementation
- django-security-txt — Handle security.txt
- django-sites-microsoft-auth — Simple app to enable Microsoft Account, Office 365 Enterprise, Azure AD, and Xbox Live authentication as a Django authentication backend on a per-site basis.
- django-xicon — Django reusable application to handle modern bunch of site icons
- django-xls2po — Convert django-po2xls generated .xls files to .po files
- dogbone — Datadog compatible telemetry handler
- dreg-client — API client for Docker Registries
- drytoml — Keep toml configuration centralized and personalizable
- — DTB: Base dev tools
- echodataflow — Sonar conversion pipeline tool with echopype
- echoshader — Open Source Python package for building ocean sonar data visualizations.
- egrader — Auto-grader for Git-based programming exercises
- elasticsearch-logging — Elasticsearch logging
- ezflakehell — Flake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable
- fact-sphere-cli — A CLI for Portal 2 Fact Sphere facts.
- findssh — find open servers on IPv4 subnet such as SSH
- flake8-aggressive — Flake8 aggressive plugins pack
- flake8-awesome — Flake8 awesome plugins pack
- flake8-codes — CLI tool to introspect flake8 plugins and their codes.
- flake8-config-yoctol — no summary
- flake8-dunder-class-obj — A flake8 plugin to report on double underscore class objects
- flake8-ejudge — Проверка стиля и требований к используемому синтаксису в python коде для ejudge
- flake8-import-order-tbm — flake8-import-order style plugin for my (thebigmunch) taste.
- flake8-ls — super fast flake8 language server
- flake8-no-implicit-concat — Flake8 plugin that forbids implicit str/bytes literal concatenations
- flake8-no-implicit-str-concat-in-list — Flake8 plugin that forbids implicit str/bytes literal concatenations
- flakehell — Flake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable