Reverse Dependencies of flair
The following projects have a declared dependency on flair:
- abraham3k — Algorithmically predict public sentiment on a topic using VADER sentiment analysis
- adaptkeybert — AdaptKeyBERT extended keyphrase extraction with zero-shot and few-shot semi-supervised domain adaptation.
- agl_anonymizer_pipeline — This package is made to censor sensitive data in images and extract the contents. NER is planned for the future.
- argilla-v1 — Open-source tool for exploring, labeling, and monitoring data for NLP projects.
- AxlNLP — my nlp tools
- bangla-postagger — A Bangla Parts of Speech Tagger using Bangla-English Alignment
- bdi-kit — bdi-kit library
- bertopic — BERTopic performs topic Modeling with state-of-the-art transformer models.
- biofrost — The magic bifrost bridge of bioinformatic
- bnw-tools — Tools developed in the BorgNetzWerk project for the extraction, analysis and publication of knowledge.
- btmodified — Modified version of Bertopics
- cdeid — A Customized De-identification framework
- classmail — A simple framework for automatise mail classification task
- CogIE — CogIE: An Information Extraction Toolkit for Bridging Text and CogNet
- cv-py — Collection of tools and techniques to kick-start analysis of the COVID-19 Research Challenge Dataset
- danlp — DaNLP: NLP in Danish
- data-prep-toolkit-transforms — Data Preparation Toolkit Transforms using Ray
- deidentify — De-identify free-text medical records
- dygest — DYGEST: Document Insights Generator
- extralit — Open-source tool for accurate & fast scientific literature data extraction with LLM and human-in-the-loop.
- factsumm — FactSumm: Factual Consistency Scorer for Abstractive Summarization
- faktotum — Extracting information from unstructured text.
- figur — Figurenerkennung for German literary texts
- flairjsonnlp — The Python Flair JSON-NLP package
- fluidml — FluidML is a lightweight framework for developing machine learning pipelines. Focus only on your tasks and not the boilerplate!
- glirel — Generalist model for Relation Extraction (Extract any relation types from texts)
- gnes — GNES is Generic Neural Elastic Search, a cloud-native semantic search system based on deep neural network.
- guise — Semantic fingerprinting
- IISRapi — no summary
- jaseci-ai-kit — no summary
- jaseci-kit — no summary
- jina — Jina (v%s) is a cloud-native semantic search engine powered by deep neural networks.It provides a universal solution of large-scale index and query for media contents.
- keybert — KeyBERT performs keyword extraction with state-of-the-art transformer models.
- keyextractor — KeyExtractor performs keyword extraction for chinese documents with state-of-the-art transformer models.
- monapipe — MONAPipe provides natural-language-processing tools for German, implemented in Python/spaCy.
- muheqa — Multiple and Heterogeneous Question-Answering
- ner-eval-dashboard — Dashboard for Quality-driven NER.
- nessie — Annotation error detection and correction
- nlp-gym — NLPGym - A toolkit for evaluating RL agents on Natural Language Processing Tasks
- nlpannotator — Annotator combining different NLP pipelines
- outlier-hub — Outlierhub, a collection of machine learning datasets.
- peace-augmentation — PEACE method Augmentation package
- persyn — Personality Syndrome. Persyn for short.
- polyfuzz — PolyFuzz performs fuzzy string matching, grouping, and evaluation.
- privy-presidio-utils — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- promptedgraphs — From Dataset Labeling to Deployment: The Power of NLP and LLMs Combined.
- proto-clip-toolkit — A simple toolkit from Proto-CLIP demo that provies speech recognition, part-of-speech tagging and realworld robot demo APIs.
- pydata-wrangler — Wrangle messy data into pandas DataFrames, with a special focus on text data and natural language processing
- pylazaro — A Python library for detecting lexical borrowings (with a focus on anglicisms in Spanish language)
- radboud-el — REL: Radboud Entity Linker
- sani-nlu — Sani-NLU is a library to implement NLU component for Sani chatbot.
- satzreduktion — Satzreduktion mithilfe von NER Tools
- SENTISCOPE — A package for financial news sentiment analysis and entity extraction
- seqal — Sequence labeling active learning framework for Python
- sikriml — A small example package
- sikriml-ner-flair — A small example package
- simplests — Unsupervised models for Semantic Textual Similarity
- sloyka — Library for city identity analysis from social media posts and comments
- Social-Media-Sentiment-Analysis — A Library for webscraping social media platforms (twitter) and using sentiment analysis on them!
- streamlit-octostar-utils — no summary
- textattack — A library for generating text adversarial examples
- textwiser — TextWiser: Text Featurization Library
- watchful — Watchful API for Interacting with Watchful Environment
- weak-annotators — Weak annotators for information extraction (NER)
- whominator — corrects who to whom
- yucheng-ner — Named Entities Recognition by Token Pair Linking
- zhkeybert — Based on KeyBERT performs Chinese documents keyword extraction with state-of-the-art transformer models.