Reverse Dependencies of fitsio
The following projects have a declared dependency on fitsio:
- anacal — no summary
- astropandas — Tools to expand on pandas functionality for astronomical operations.
- baygaud — profile decomposition tool
- bossdata — Tools to access SDSS spectroscopic data.
- desc-dict-io — Dictionary IO to various file types
- easyaccess — Easy access to the DES DB. Enhanced command line SQL interpreter client for DES
- euclidlib — Unofficial package to read data from the Euclid mission
- fitsiochunked — Package to efficiently read large fits arrays in object by object
- glass — Generator for Large Scale Structure
- healsparse — Sparse healpix maps and geometry library
- heracles — Harmonic-space statistics on the sphere
- impt — Auto-diff Estimator of Lensing Perturbations
- lfd — Linear Feature Detector for Astronomical images
- lkprf — no summary
- picca — Package for Igm Cosmological-Correlations Analyses
- picca_bookkeeper — Helper to run Lyman-α analyses using picca
- Piff — PSFs in the Full FOV
- psfmachine — Tool to perform fast PSF photometry of primary and background targets from Kepler/K2 Target Pixel Files
- qsonic — Quasar continuum fitter for DESI
- scatterbrain — no summary
- sdss-archon — A library and actor to communicate with an STA Archon controller.
- sdss-kaiju — Collision Avoidance for SDSS-V Positioners
- sdss-lvmscp — LVM spectrograph control package.
- sdss-mugatu — Package to read, write and validate FPS designs
- sdss-obstools — A library of tools for SDSS telescope operations.
- sep-pjw — Astronomical source extraction and photometry library
- sfdmap2 — Get E(B-V) values from SFD dust map data
- specex — Extract spectra from fits cubes
- tess-backdrop — no summary
- xga — Python package to easily generate and analyse X-ray astronomy data products, ideal for investigating large samples.
- zuds — ZTF/ZUDS image processing pipeline