Reverse Dependencies of fiona
The following projects have a declared dependency on fiona:
- 5dee — A package to install all necessary dependencies for spatial compute and remote agtech
- aaps — Paquete con todas las herramientas para la aplicacion AAPS-LAB.
- ABPandas — Agent Based Pandas tool (ABPandas)
- abses — ABSESpy makes it easier to build artificial Social-ecological systems with real GeoSpatial datasets and fully incorporate human behaviour.
- Ackbar — A Python program to assess Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) delimitation.
- adampy — Python Adam API
- adm-boundary-manager — Load, manage and visualize Administrative Boundaries Data in Wagtail
- aether — Welcome to the Aether Platform
- aiearth-predict — AIEarth Spatio-temporal data and AI development kit
- alertadengue — AlertaDengue Package
- arcos-py — Python equivalent of the Washington Post's ARCOS R-package for accessing their ARCOS API
- arcticdem — ArcticDEM Batch Download & Processing Tools
- argofloats — Simple CLI for ArgoVis & Argofloats
- artus — A geoAI package to train and predict spatial occurences on rasters or georeferenced images.
- asf-tools — Tools developed by ASF for working with SAR data
- AST-data-eng — Data engineering for large scale geospatial datasets
- avaframe — The Open Avalanche Framework
- bas-air-unit-network-dataset — Utility to process routes and waypoints used by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Air Unit
- bdcctools — Biodiversity Data Cleaning and Curation Tools
- bera-centerlines — extract centerlines from polygons
- birdhouse-birdy — Birdy provides a command-line tool to work with Web Processing Services.
- blenderize — loading CMCC mesh on blender
- bln-converter — Easy BLN file conversion to ESRI shape or GeoJSON
- breaks — calculate bins on spatial data
- bw2regional — no summary
- c2cgeoportal_geoportal — c2cgeoportal geoportal
- — Easily generate translations between zoning systems
- callusgs — Implementation of USGS's machine-to-machine API (v1.5.0)
- cars — A satellite multi view stereo pipeline
- cdBoundary — Concave hull by distance
- censaurus — A comprehensive, feature-rich, and user-oriented Python package that wraps the U.S. Census Bureau's Data and Geographic APIs
- censusdis — US Census utilities for a variety of data loading, analysis, and mapping purposes.
- centerline — Calculate the centerline of a polygon
- cerf — An open-source geospatial Python package for assessing and analyzing future electricity technology capacity expansion feasibility.
- cetk — CLAIRs Emission ToolKit cetk
- checkifc — A package to work with IFC meshes
- cht-cyclones — no summary
- cityseer — Computational tools for network-based pedestrian-scale urban analysis
- civilpy — Civil Engineering Tools in Python
- cohort-compare — A library of functions for comparing clinical cohorts to the populations of US counties
- CometTS — Time series trend analysis tools for user defined polygons in any time series of overhead imagery
- coord-convert — china mars coordinate convertor.
- coupledmodeldriver — coupled model configuration generation
- crash-mapping-tools — Standalone tools for processing crash data
- criticalmaas.ta1-geopackage — GeoPackage schema for validating and storing vector geologic map data produced by computer-vision pipelines
- dask-geomodeling — On-the-fly operations on geographical maps.
- datasaku — A small example package
- dataset-builder — Dataset builder for CAMELS-DE dataset
- dave-core — DAVE is a tool for automatic energy grid generation
- daWUAP — Hydrologic Engine for daWUAP model
- dea-tools — Functions and algorithms for analysing Digital Earth Australia data.
- deafrica-tools — Functions and algorithms for analysing Digital Earth Africa data.
- dem2basin — Tools to derive HUC-cropped DEMs from common DEM datasets
- detectree2 — Detectree packaging
- dfm-tools — dfm_tools are pre- and post-processing tools for Delft3D FM
- dggrid4py — a Python library to run highlevel functions of DGGRIDv7 and v8
- dggstools — A Python library and command line tool to manipulate raster and vector GIS data in a DGGS (rHEALPix for now).
- digitalarztools — Digital Arz tools for applications
- distancerasters — Generate distance raster using arbitrary sets of spatial features
- django-geosource — Django geographic asynchrone data sources loading
- django-geostore — Django geographic store and vector tile generation
- django-rgd-geometry — no summary
- dorchester — A toolkit for making dot-density maps in Python
- drapery — Python library and CLI tool to convert 2D geometries to 3D given an elevation source
- drepr — Data Representation Language for Reading Heterogeneous Datasets
- DSreader — Read data from Digital Standard vegetation mapping projects
- dtcc-core — DTCC Core
- dynacrop — Python Software Development Kit library for DynaCrop API
- earthml — A library to Perform different possible operations on Geo-Spatial Dataset
- ecodev-cloud — Read/write helpers for disk/aws s3/azure blob storage
- ecoscape-layers — EcoScape habitat and matrix layer creation
- EEDL — Code to export arbitrarily large areas of data from Earth Engine to local storage and optionally process data locally afterward
- elevation — Python script to download global terrain digital elevation models, SRTM 30m DEM and SRTM 90m DEM.
- ellipsis — Package to interact with the Ellipsis API
- emiproc — Emission Processing Tool
- ensembleperturbation — perturbation of coupled model input over a space of input variables
- eo-grow — Earth observation framework for scaled-up processing in Python
- eo-learn — Earth observation processing framework for machine learning in Python
- eodatasets3 — Packaging, metadata and provenance for OpenDataCube EO3 datasets
- eodms-api-client — Tool for querying and submitting image orders to Natural Resources Canada's Earth Observation Data Management System (EODMS)
- esi-utils-gmice — USGS Automated Ground Motion Processing Software
- esi-utils-pager — USGS PAGER loss modeling functionality
- ESMValTool — ESMValTool: A community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP.
- esneft-tools — Utilities to analyse population and deprivation data.
- etl2osm — Extract, Transform and Load to OpenStreetMap.
- ewatercycle — A Python package for running and validating a hydrology model
- fathom-global-client-sdk — no summary
- fcast — A collection of python tools used for forecasting flood events and their impact on transportation infrastructure.
- fgdb-to-gpkg — A lightweight Python package that converts Esri File GeoDataBases into OGC GeoPackages
- fio-planet — fio_planet: Fiona CLI plugins from Planet Labs.
- fio_taxa — Classification of GeoJSON features
- fionautil — helpful utilities for working with geodata with Fiona
- flap-lite — An open-source tool for linking free-text addresses to UPRN
- flopy — FloPy is a Python package to create, run, and post-process MODFLOW-based models
- flow-modnum — Flow Hydro Consulting's numerical modeling group Python library.
- frgeostat — A small package to help creating maps of france with geo statistical data overlays.
- ftw-tools — Fields of The World (FTW) Command Line Interface (CLI) for data management, ML processing, and more.
- gdalTools — some useful tools in gdal
- gdelt — Python-based framework to access and analyze Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT) 1.0 or 2.0 data in a Python Pandas or R dataframe
- geci-nerd — The NERD algorithm performs calculations with increased accuracy, displaying results almost in real-time.