Reverse Dependencies of findiff
The following projects have a declared dependency on findiff:
- ALPSS — Program for the automated analysis of photonic Doppler velocimetry spall signals with uncertainty.
- berry-suite — The berry suite of programs extracts the Bloch wavefunctions from DFT calculations in an ordered way so they can be directly used to make calculations.
- BubbleDet — A package for computing functional determinants
- cofi — Common Framework for Inference
- dascore — A python library for distributed fiber optic sensing
- datafold — Operator-theoretic models to identify dynamical systems and parametrize point cloud geometry
- erlab — Python package for ARPES data analysis and visualization.
- gxusthjw — the python packages of gxusthjw.
- lpde — Learning Partial Differential Equations
- nablachem — Easy access to research code.
- numgrids — Working with numerical grids made easy.
- PyMacroFin — Python toolbox for solving continuous-time macro-financial models using monotone finite difference schemes
- pynxtools-spm — A plugin of pynxtools to convert exprimental file from STS, STM, and AFM to NeXus format.
- pynxtools-stm — A plugin for pynxtools to convert sts and stm files
- pysignalscope — View, edit and calculate scope results from simulations or real measurements.
- rescomp — A reservoir computer and chaotic systems package
- scikit-fda — Functional Data Analysis Python package.
- scikit-fda-sim — Functional Data Analysis Python package.
- simwave — Finite difference 2D/3D acoustic wave propagator.
- tsme — A package that provides estimation methods for differential equations of dynamical systems based on timeseries data.
- turbo-design — TurboDesign is a library used to design turbines and compressors using radial equilibrium.
- turbulence — Code for Turbulence Analyze
- WallGo — A package for computing the bubble wall speed in cosmological phase transitions.