Reverse Dependencies of fileformats
The following projects have a declared dependency on fileformats:
- arcana-bids — An Arcana extension for interacting with Brain Imaging Structure (BIDS) datasets and associated "Apps"
- arcana-xnat — An extension of the Arcana framework to apply workflows and analyses on data stored within XNAT data repositories
- fileformats-datascience — Classes for representing datascience file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows
- fileformats-datascience-extras — Classes for representing different file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows
- fileformats-extras — Extra methods for accessing and manipulating the underlying data referenced by fileformats classes
- fileformats-medimage — Classes for representing various medical imaging file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows
- fileformats-medimage-afni — Classes for representing different file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows
- fileformats-medimage-afni-extras — Extensions to add functionality to tool-specific *fileformats* classes
- fileformats-medimage-extras — Classes for representing different file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows
- fileformats-medimage-fsl — Classes for representing different file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows
- fileformats-medimage-fsl-extras — Extensions to add functionality to tool-specific *fileformats* classes
- fileformats-medimage-mrtrix3 — Classes for representing different file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows
- fileformats-medimage-mrtrix3-extras — Classes for representing different file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows
- fileformats-mrtrix3-extras — Classes for representing different file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows
- fileformats-testing — Dummy classes for testing the 'fileformats' package
- frametree — Frametree: a framework for analysing datasets stored in trees of file objects "in-place"
- frametree-bids — An FrameTree extension for interacting with Brain Imaging Structure (BIDS) datasets and associated "Apps"
- frametree-xnat — An extension of FrameTree to support data stored in XNAT repository
- nipype2pydra — Tool for converting Nipype tasks and workflows into Pydra syntax
- pipeline2app — Pipeline2App: a tool for quickly turning pipelines into containerised applications (e.g. BIDS Apps or XNAT pipelines)
- pipeline2app-xnat — An extension of the pipeline2app to support making XNAT container service images
- pydra-afni — Pydra tasks package for afni
- pydra-ants — Pydra tasks package for ANTs
- pydra-fastsurfer — Pydra tasks package for fastsurfer
- pydra-freesurfer — Pydra tasks package for freesurfer
- pydra-fsl — Pydra tasks package for fsl
- pydra-mriqc — Pydra tasks package for mriqc
- pydra-nireports — Pydra tasks package for nireports
- pydra-niworkflows — Pydra tasks package for niworkflows
- pydra2app — Pydra2App: a tool for quickly turning Pydra tasks and workflows into containerised applications (e.g. BIDS Apps or XNAT pipelines)
- pydra2app-xnat — An extension of the pydra2app to support making XNAT container service images