Reverse Dependencies of featuretools
The following projects have a declared dependency on featuretools:
- alteryx-open-src-update-checker — an update checker for alteryx open source libraries
- atom-ml — A Python package for fast exploration of machine learning pipelines
- auto-feature — use featuretools for feature engineering
- auto-feature-prod — prod: use featuretools for feature engineering
- Autofhm — Python Automated Machine Learning
- autonormalize — a library for automated table normalization
- bciavm — bciAVM is a machine learning pipeline used to predict property prices.
- caafe — Context-Aware Automated Feature Engineering (CAAFE) is an automated machine learning tool that uses large language models for feature engineering in tabular datasets. It generates Python code for new features along with explanations for their utility, enhancing interpretability.
- cardea — Cardea
- categorical-encoding — categorical encoding for featuretools
- climaticai — climaticai is a library that builds, optimizes, and evaluates machine learning pipelines
- composeml — a framework for automated prediction engineering
- dldb — Deep learning for relational datasets with a time-component
- easyautoml — Automl with Featuretools generate features and use tpot to select model
- evalml — an AutoML library that builds, optimizes, and evaluates machine learning pipelines using domain-specific objective functions
- featuretools — a framework for automated feature engineering
- featuretools-sklearn-transformer — Featuretools Transformer for Scikit-Learn Pipeline use.
- featuretools-sql — directly import and convert their relational data into a Featuretools
- featuretools-ta1 — Primitives using Featuretools, an open source feature engineering platform
- featuretools-tsfresh-primitives — TSFresh primitives for featuretools
- featuretools-update-checker — an update checker for featuretools
- featuretools4spark — mimic the interesting value usage
- hypergbm — A full pipeline AutoML tool integrated various GBM models
- hypernets — An General Automated Machine Learning Framework
- lightautoml — Fast and customizable framework for automatic ML model creation (AutoML)
- lp-Aicloud — this a aicloud
- mlprimitives — Pipelines and primitives for machine learning and data science.
- myylearn — An General Automated Machine Learning Framework
- nlp-primitives — no summary
- orpheus-ml — A package for automated ML model training and creation of pipelines capable of handling multiple estimators.
- pipelinex — PipelineX: Python package to build ML pipelines for experimentation with Kedro, MLflow, and more
- pyrecdp — A data processing bundle for spark based recommender system operations
- rust-dfs — no summary
- smalldict — SmallDict: Python package to slim down a dict read from JSON or YAML to check the contents
- sphynxml — no summary
- zephyr-ml — Prediction engineering methods for Draco.