Reverse Dependencies of fcsparser
The following projects have a declared dependency on fcsparser:
- altFACS — FACS tools for split fluorescent proteins
- fltower — Software for cytometry analysis.
- metaclean3 — Removes anomalous events from flow cytometry standard (FCS) files.
- palantir — Palantir for modeling continuous cell state and cell fate choices in single cell data
- pyBinaryClust — BinaryClust Python
- PyCytoData — An Elegant Data Analysis Tool for CyTOF
- scip-workflows — no summary
- scprep — scprep
- scyan — Single-cell Cytometry Annotation Network
- umato — Python Implementation of UMATO (Uniform Manifold Approximation with Two-Phase Optimization)
- wishbone-dev — Wishbone algorithm for identifying bifurcating trajectories from single-cell data