Reverse Dependencies of fastutils
The following projects have a declared dependency on fastutils:
- django-apiview — A set of django tools to help you create JSON service..
- django-command-server — Django management.command is running a long live task, we make it a linux daemon server, so that you can start, stop, restart the task.
- django-crontab-manager — Manage crontab tasks on web. Update crontab file on system while changes made on manager. Work with django-crontab-agent.
- django-fastadmin — django admin extensions.
- django-safe-fields — Save field value encrypted to database.
- django-safe-settings — Django application let you write your database password settings in an encrypted way.
- django-secure-password-input — A simple django application provides function to encrypt password value with rsa public key before form submit and decrypt at the backend.
- django-server-controller — Django server controllers, e.g. UwsgiController, GunicornController.
- django-simpletask — Django application provides simple task model, admin, server services and client service.
- django-simpletask2-server — Django simpletask2 handler server.
- ldaputils — Ldap utils library.
- logio — Parse log file as input and export the data to database as output.
- miniweb — A simple web framework for Python.
- redmq — Redis message queue utils: a simple distributed lock based on redis, a simple message queue based on redis with ack feature.
- xmlrpcutils — xmlrpc server simplify.