Reverse Dependencies of fastjsonschema
The following projects have a declared dependency on fastjsonschema:
- kailin — KAILINss - TOGGLE(KAILIN): Single Cell Fate Tracing tools
- kompos — Kompos - k8s cloud automation
- lakehouse-engine — A configuration-driven Spark framework serving as the engine for several lakehouse algorithms and data flows.
- latentscope — Quickly embed, project, cluster and explore a dataset.
- latticeJSON — A JSON based lattice file format
- leo-aws-lambda-powertools — Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) is a developer toolkit to implement Serverless best practices and increase developer velocity.
- libvisualwebarena — This is an unofficial, use-at-your-own risks port of the visualwebarena benchmark, for use as a standalone library package.
- lintML — A security-first linter for machine learning training code.
- LittleSnowFox — KAILINss - TOGGLE(KAILIN): Single Cell Fate Tracing tools
- logging-strict — logging.config yaml strict typing and editable
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- lp-Aicloud — this a aicloud
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- mango — Library with a collection of usefull classes and methods to DRY
- mbpy — no summary
- mdml — Application of Deep learning on molecular dymanamics trajectories
- mdps-ds-lib — Mission Data System - MDPS (Unity) Data Service Core library
- medicalimageanalysis — Reads in medical images and structures them into 3D arrays with associated ROI/POIs if they exist.
- MedicalImageConverter — Reads in medical images and structures them into 3D arrays with associated ROI/POIs if they exist.
- metad — A hierarchical representation for the structure of a relational database.
- modeller — create efficent models starting from json schema
- myz-tools — Python helper tools
- nba-analytics — A package for collecting and analyzing NBA player data.
- nbformat — The Jupyter Notebook format
- neno — NeNo (Network Notebooks) is a tool that allows you manage and trigger your Jupyter notebooks remotely over the network using HTTP.
- new2 — Optimizing the payment process of e-commerce
- nmdc-runtime-client — Client for the NMDC Runtime
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- notion-apilib — This library allows developers to call Notion API using custom DSL Pydantic-validated classes and API methods
- ntdgotv-langtools — # ntdGoTV_langtools
- nwb4fp — Description of my package
- nwb4fprobe — Description of my package
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- odoo-addon-converter — Odoo addon to convert records to and from plain data structures
- ohmyoled — 64x32 Oled Matrix Display
- omic — Official Omic client.
- oot — Order of the Template: A Python package for parsing Jinja templates and YAML files with environment variables.
- open-api-tcbs — Library connect Open-API of TCBS
- open-variant — OpenVariant provides different functionalities to read, parse and operate different multiple input file formats, being able to customize the output.
- openfund — no summary
- openfund-py — no summary
- openpy-fxts — Various functions and classes for time series forecasting with Machine and Deep Learning
- opentargets-validator — Schema validation for evidence submitted to Open Targets
- openvino-dev — OpenVINO(TM) Development Tools
- pad-final-project — Final project for the 'Python for data analysis' subject in the UNAV Master's degree in Big Data Science.
- parcel-data-collector — no summary
- parcel-data-collector2 — no summary
- PayOpt — Optimizing the payment process of e-commerce
- pgmerge — PostgreSQL data import/export utility
- PhenoQC — Phenotypic Data Quality Control Toolkit for Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI)
- pinkfish — A backtester and spreadsheet library for security analysis.
- poetry — Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
- pokpok-sdk — Python SDK for PokPok API
- porter-schmorter — porter is a framework for exposing machine learning models via REST APIs.
- problem-bank-scripts — A package with useful functions to convert between different problem bank formats.
- proofs — Mathematical proof assistant for students and amateurs.
- proteuslib — ProteusLib modeling library
- py-vcon-server — server for vCon conversational data container manipulation package
- py2ls — py(thon)2(too)ls
- pycolor-term — Execute commands, coloring terminal output in real-time using ANSI color codes.
- pydisconet — analyzing the co-authorship network of researchers in the field of biology
- pyplatex — A scalable and versatile ANPR package leveraging YOLO for detection and multiple OCR options to accurately recognize license plates.
- pyrit-library — no summary
- pytest-zy — 接口自动化测试框架
- python-203-main — no summary
- python-documentcloud — A simple Python wrapper for the DocumentCloud API
- pyudmi — Helper classes for working with udmi
- qiskit-aws-braket-provider — A provider for qiskit to access quantum devices through AWS Braket
- qsmap — Package provides functionality for working with geographical data, routing, and mapping
- quant1x — Quant1X量化交易框架
- quantify-scheduler — Quantify-scheduler is a Python package for writing quantum programs featuring a hybrid gate-pulse control model with explicit timing control.
- raid-tool — RAID: Rapid Automated Interpretability Datasets tool
- raillabel-providerkit — A devkit for working with recorded and annotated train ride data from Deutsche Bahn.
- ReactPy — Reactive user interfaces with pure Python
- readet — This patch includes several improvement to RAGs, summarizers, downloders and retrievers; plus compatibility for windows installation
- rocm-docs-core — Core utilities for all ROCm documentation on RTD
- rpysuite — Reactive user interfaces with pure Python
- satori-playbook-validator — no summary
- sb-json-tools — Tools for working with JSON files.
- scale-egp — SDK for Scale SGP API
- scenestats — A PyTorch port of the Freeman-Simoncelli model introduced in J. Freeman and E. P. Simoncelli, “Metamers of the ventral stream,” Nat Neurosci, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 1195–1201, Sep. 2011, doi: 10.1038/nn.2889.
- schematic-test — Package for data model and data ingress management
- scikit-build-core — Build backend for CMake based projects
- scikit-rt — Toolkit for analysis of radiotherapy data
- scProject — Transfer learning framework for single cell gene expression analysis in Python
- scraper-project-rami — no summary
- scrud-django — A Django REST Framework app for Semantic CRUD.
- sentry-kafka-schemas — Kafka topics and schemas for Sentry
- sfcv — Step Forward Cross Validation for Bioactivity Prediction
- shaarpec — Client for SHAARPEC Analytics API.
- siliconcompiler — A compiler framework that automates translation from source code to silicon.
- singletrader — a package for backtesting and factor analysis
- skema — Schema language that compiles to json schema
- sparkpipelineframework — Framework for simpler Spark Pipelines
- sphinx-external-toc-strict — A sphinx extension that allows the site-map to be defined in a single YAML file.
- spsdk — Open Source Secure Provisioning SDK for NXP MCU/MPU
- sqladaptor — Starting adaptor for JSON/Pandas to SQL db
- stuned — Utility code from STAI (
- synapse — Synapse Intelligence Analysis Framework
- Task-4-5-Maihitooy — A task