Reverse Dependencies of fastdtw
The following projects have a declared dependency on fastdtw:
- ai.fri3d — FRi3D model of coronal mass ejections
- aiwaifu-vts-controller — no summary
- Blauwal3-SingleCell — 蓝鲸数据挖掘软件包的单细胞数据分析附加组件。
- BlueWhale3-SingleCell — Add-on for bioinformatics analysis of single cell data.
- compiam — Common tools for the computational analysis of Indian Art Music.
- ConfNet — no summary
- cytopath — Simulation based inference of differentiation trajectories from RNA velocity fields.
- desktop-env — The package provides a desktop environment for setting and evaluating desktop automation tasks.
- dgllge — Graph Embedding Models
- dianna — Deep Insight And Neural Network Analysis
- dispel — A python DIgital Signal ProcEssing Library developed to standardize extraction of sensor-derived measures (SDMs) from wearables or smartphones data.
- distil-primitives — Distil primitives as a single library
- eeglib — A library with some tools and functions for EEG signal analysis
- epilearn — A Pytorch library for machine learning in epidemic modeling
- espnet — ESPnet: end-to-end speech processing toolkit
- FeatTS — A new method for clustering time series by adopting the best statistical features.
- FiinQuant — A simple indicator library for stock tickers
- flightanalysis — Python tools for Analysis of Flight Data
- ftio-hpc — Frequency Techniques for I/O
- geonet — no summary
- hygraph-core — A package for managing and analyzing HyGraph data
- isensing — Intelligent Sensing Toolbox for Multivariate Time Series
- labours — Python companion for to visualize the results.
- lamp-cortex — The Cortex data analysis toolkit for the LAMP Platform.
- lanelet2anchors — Easy anchor generation for autonomous driving based on Lanelet2 maps
- mel-cepstral-distance — CLI and library to compute the Mel-Cepstral Distance of two WAV files based on the paper 'Mel-Cepstral Distance Measure for Objective Speech Quality Assessment' by Robert F. Kubichek.
- mpes — Distributed data processing routines for multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy (MPES)
- mprerun — MediaPipe + Rerun..
- mpteval — Musically informed piano transcription metrics
- Orange3-SingleCell — Add-on for bioinformatics analysis of single cell data.
- osagent — osagent
- paddle-quantum — Paddle Quantum is a quantum machine learning (QML) toolkit developed based on Baidu PaddlePaddle.
- prog-models — The NASA Prognostic Model Package is a python modeling framework focused on defining and building models for prognostics (computation of remaining useful life) of engineering systems, and provides a set of prognostics models for select components developed within this framework, suitable for use in prognostics applications for these components.
- progpy — The 2024 NASA Software of the Year, the NASA Prognostic Package (ProgPy) is a python prognostics framework focused on building, using, and evaluating models and algorithms for prognostics (computation of remaining useful life) and health management of engineering systems, and provides a set of prognostics models for select components and prognostics algorithms developed within this framework, including uncertainty propagation.
- pyecsca — Python Elliptic Curve cryptography Side Channel Analysis toolkit.
- pyecsca-codegen — Python Elliptic Curve cryptography Side Channel Analysis toolkit (codegen package).
- pymcd — Calculate Mel-Cepstral Distortion (MCD)
- pymdma — Multimodal Data Metrics for Auditing real and synthetic data
- qiskit-aqua — Qiskit Aqua: An extensible library of quantum computing algorithms
- qiskit-aws-braket-provider — A provider for qiskit to access quantum devices through AWS Braket
- qiskit-finance — Qiskit Finance: A library of quantum computing finance experiments
- qwgc — Graph classifier based on quantum walk
- s3prl-vc — Voice conversion toolkit based on S3PRL: Self-Supervised Speech/Sound Pre-training and Representation Learning Toolkit
- saqc — A timeseries data quality control and processing tool/framework
- sed-processor — Single Event Data Frame Processor: Backend to handle photoelectron resolved datastreams
- SeqCluPV — An extension of the original 'SeqClu' algorithm that is characterized by voting for cluster prototypes.
- speaker-verification-toolkit — A package designed to compose speaker verification systems
- sprocket-vc — Voice conversion software
- traja — Traja is a trajectory analysis and visualization tool
- trendypy — A package for trend line clustering.
- ts-train — Time-Series Handling for Machine Learning Tasks
- vaspvis — A highly flexible and customizable library for visualizing electronic structure data from VASP calculations
- waveglow-cli — Command-line interface (CLI) to train WaveGlow using .wav files.
- wheeler-hale-2015 — An implementation of Wheeler and Hale's 2015 method for aligning well logs using dynamic warping