Reverse Dependencies of fake-useragent
The following projects have a declared dependency on fake-useragent:
- 58 — 抓58同城的电话号码
- Abigale2 — This project is inherited from the original [Abigale](, with the folloing improvements/changes:.
- academic-claim-analyzer — A tool for analyzing academic claims
- AfdianBot — 爱发电Bot SDK
- agrimetscraper — A package to scrape AgriMet weather data
- aient — Aient: The Awakening of Agent.
- alphahunterpro — Asynchronous driven quantitative trading framework.
- amai-ai-chatbot — African Multimodal Artificial Intelligence
- amazon-product-review-scraper — Python package to scrape product review data from amazon
- amazonpy — amazon scraping library.
- AmazonSmartScraper — A package to scrape Amazon product information
- amzpy — A lightweight Amazon scraper library.
- anime1 — CLI access to (beta)
- arb-tehran-finance — A comprehensive module for Iranian financial markets, including data retrieval and analysis for macroeconomics, capital markets, commodity exchange, derivatives, gold, real estate and more.
- ark-sdk-python — Official Ark SDK / CLI for CyberArk Identity Security Platform
- asyncproxybroker — Library to asynchronously find and use public proxies from multiple sources.
- autobiber — A tool for find bibtex via dblp
- autotor — AutoTor is a simple package to make requests through Tor. It allows automation, easy Tor circuit renewal and customisation of the requests in a threaded way.
- awesome-dblp — A simple python package to search dblp by keywords and venues
- awesome-systematic-trading — Awesome Systematic Trading:We are collecting a list of resources papers, softwares, books, articles for finding, developing, and running systematic trading (quantitative trading) strategies.
- baichat-py — no summary
- baidu-image-crawling — Baidu Image Spider
- bakasur — Bakasur is your friendly demon that helps you analyse your Thuisbezorgd order history and visualise patterns.
- barsapi — Library to get data from Bars School Diary
- base-scraper — Wrapper class for Selenium (base for scrapers, rpa software)
- baskref — baskRef is a tool to scrape basketball Data from the web.
- bdcraft-mod-packer — A tool to download mod patch texture pack in
- beautifulsouppro — This project is dedicated to beautifulsoup
- BeraChainToolsPro — BeraChainTools 一个为 BeraChain 生态系统设计的工具集,旨在帮助用户轻松地进行各种交互和操作。
- berlin-de-appointment-finder — A command-line tool that sends Telegram alerts when appointments become available on
- bestnewmusic — View music reviews and weekly radio charts in the terminal
- bflower — A Python package with a built-in web application
- bilibili-search-cli — A command-line tool to search videos on Bilibili
- BiliUtil —站)视频下载工具
- billboard — Python scraper for Billboard Hot 100
- BingImageCreator-fork — High quality image generation by Microsoft. Reverse engineered API.
- BlaApi — A wrapper for the beacon light api.
- blockapi — BlockAPI library
- bondai — An AI-powered console assistant with a versatile API for seamless integration into applications.
- booking-sites-parser — Parser for booking sites such as,,
- bootFacebookAccountCreator — no summary
- bot-on-anything — 将 **AI模型** 接入各类 **消息应用**,开发者通过轻量配置即可在二者之间选择一条连线,运行起一个智能对话机器人,在一个项目中轻松完成多条链路的切换。该架构扩展性强,每接入一个应用可复用已有的算法能力,同样每接入一个模型也可作用于所有应用之上。
- bouncing — Verification code image recognition!
- bowser — A powerful and intuitive web automation toolkit built on Selenium.
- BRAD-Chat — This package connects large language models with bioinformatics workflows.
- brahmastra — The Brahmastra is an undetected WebDriver, inspired by the legendary weapon of unparalleled power and destruction. Just like its mythical namesake, this tool is designed to be a formidable asset in your automation arsenal. It allows you to navigate any website or webpage effortlessly and invisibly, bypassing anti-bot measures with ease. With Brahmastra, automating your web tasks becomes seamless and worry-free, making it an indispensable tool for developers and automation enthusiasts alike.
- brunata-api — A simple API library to communicate with Brunata Online
- bs-ds — A collection of tools from bootcamp.
- ByRequests — Helper to use proxy services with Requests
- c-binance-future-quant — 这是一套经过长时间实盘验证,有超过100亿美金交易量,包含币安合约的数据录入,风控,交易的架构实现,但不包含具体的策略,仅提供一个简单的交易实践演示数据读取,开仓,平仓,以及止盈止损,风控,还有前端数据展示和分析(前端板块为react+redux+antd,开源还在准备中,因为现在还有维护一个左侧策略,打算直接把这个左侧策略的数据释放出来示范,应该在7月25号前发布上来)你可以利用它简单,低成本的实现你的交易逻辑,其大量运用阿里云服务器进行分布式架构,多进程处理,以及飞书进行异常报错和交易信息披露...如果你愿意详细阅读该readme的所有信息,尤其是 [模块详细解析](#模块详细解析) ,那么他同时也会是一部关于币安合约的交易风控,设计架构的经验理解历史,总结了几乎本人所有成功和失败的经验,希望能让后人少踩些坑
- camply — camply, the campsite finder 🏕
- carmenproxy — Tool for proxying programmatic HTTP requests.
- catshand — Tools for Podcast editing
- ccxt-microservice — Micro service to call cryptocurrency exchanges API using [ccxt](
- ccxt-portfolio-pro — This version is currently using Bittrex BTC price to value the portfolio.Future options coming soon..
- ccxtbot — This is a pet project to get familiar with a number of APIs for trading cryptocurrencies via algorithms.
- CD-HTTP — An HTTP wrapper around the wonderful requests library to make it easier for new users and old.
- celery-pro — This project is dedicated to sharing and teaching the fundamentals and techniques of web reverse engineering.
- cert-hero — Python Stand-alone Library to Download the SSL Certificate for Any Host™
- cfcrawler — Cloudflare scraper and cralwer written in Async
- chat-research — Use ChatGPT to accelerator your research.
- chatcmd — ChatCMD is an open source AI-driven CLI-based command lookup using ChatGPT to lookup relevant CLI commands based on user input.
- chatgpt-on-wechat — ChatGPT近期以强大的对话和信息整合能力风靡全网,可以写代码、改论文、讲故事,几乎无所不能,这让人不禁有个大胆的想法,能否用他的对话模型把我们的微信打造成一个智能机器人,可以在与好友对话中给出意想不到的回应,而且再也不用担心女朋友影响我们 ~~打游戏~~ 工作了.
- ChemScraper — Scraping chemical vendors for pricing/availability info.
- ChenUtils — A package used to store various modules written by individuals.
- — Analyzer: where you can analyze games endlessly, all without breaking the bank unlike those other guys at
- Chinese-Word-Vectors — This project provides 100+ Chinese Word Vectors (embeddings) trained with different **representations** (dense and sparse), **context features** (word, ngram, character, and more), and **corpora**. One can easily obtain pre-trained vectors with different properties and use them for downstream tasks..
- ChuanhuChatGPT — 为ChatGPT API提供了一个轻快好用的Web图形界面
- cleverbotfree — Free Alternative For The Cleverbot API
- cloudomate — Automate buying VPS instances with Bitcoin
- CloudPiece-wework — 根据 JoysKang 的 ,修改而来。使用企业微信的自建应用接收消息。目前适配了文本消息,其他类型的消息因需要服务器转存后才能推送到notion,暂时不支持
- — is a command-line application written in Python that scrapes and saves information about firms according to the user-defined filters.
- cmdlr — Extensible comic subscriber.
- cn-stock-holidays-pro — A List of china stock exchange holidays
- colab-load — Library to download .ipynb from google colab.
- cometai-core — A simple example package
- comment-retriever-etherscan — comment-retriever-etherscan
- conexions — Módulo para distintos unificado de conexións web
- contentfetch — Extracting the content from the webpage
- cowin — Python wrapper for CoWin API
- CoWIN-API-by-Kunal-Kumar-Sahoo — Python wrapper for CoWin API developed by Kunal Kumar Sahoo
- cowin-tracker — Python wrapper for CoWin APIs
- cowin-vaccine-api — API wrapper for Cowin Api
- cqfd — cqfd is a tool to search skype account from a name
- cranberry — An automated music downloading service
- Crawl4AI — 🚀🤖 Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & scraper
- CrawlSpider — Python Common Spider for Humans.
- crsspd — This is my personal toolkit.
- cryptobot-pro — # Cryptocurrency Bot ## Usage* Clone the repo and use and as normal modules.* API keys are required for each exchange you use..
- ctrip-spider — 携程爬虫(破解eleven, 发现ctrip_ticket).
- CY3761 — no summary
- czipline-pro — Zipline是QUANTOPIAN开发的算法交易库。这是一个事件驱动,支持回测和实时交易的系统。Zipline目前有一个免费的[回测平台](,可以很方便编写交易策略和执行回测。为处理A股数据,增加或修改基础数据相关部分,用于本机策略回测分析。.
- dark-web-scraper — A dark web link and image scraper
- darlog-selenium-wrapper — A simple-to-use wrapper on top of Selenium.
- dart-fss — Web-scraping
- datamarket — Utilities that integrate advanced scraping knowledge into just one library.
- datasource-contributor — A CUI tool that automatically crawls website data and contributes to
- dcvideo — no summary
- DDOS — DDos any site
- debuggy — Stalk StackOverflow.