Reverse Dependencies of Fabric3
The following projects have a declared dependency on Fabric3:
- agileetc — Future Agile CICD tooling template
- agileupbom — Bill Of Materials Management for Future Agile CICD
- Aptester — Auto Tester for Competitive programming
- arca — A library for running Python functions (callables) from git repositories in various states of isolation with integrating caching.
- audep — 自动化部署平台
- avocado-framework-plugin-runner-remote — Avocado Runner for Remote Execution
- chaostoolkit-k8s-wix — Extended version of Chaos Toolkit Kubernetes support
- dagonstar — DAGon* is a simple Python based workflow engine able to run job on everything from the local machine to distributed virtual HPC clusters hosted in private and public clouds.
- diogobaeder.webfaction — Tools to help with deploying to Webfaction
- django-newsletter-signup — A reusable Django app, that handles newsletter subscriptions
- dmp-cli — A command-line-interface for django-mako-plus.
- DnsCryptProxyPiTool — DnsCrypt Proxy 2 Setup for PiHole Raspberry Pi 3
- edc-fabric — Fabric utils for clinicedc/edc projects
- eryxdeploy — A tool to assist deployments for Eryx infraestructure
- essay — 持续部署工具
- fab-polish — Polish git versioned source code using Fabric
- fabkit — Group of tools extending fabric v1.x tasks
- fabtools3 — [Python3 fork] Tools for writing awesome Fabric files
- firepower-kickstart — Python modules to install Firepower Threat Defense images (FTD) on hardware platforms.
- fuku — Easier Docker based deployments to AWS.
- graphql-example — A simple graphql server
- hugo_jupyter — Use Jupyter notebooks to publish with Hugo.
- idact — A library that takes care of several tedious aspects of working with big data on an HPC cluster.
- mendelmd — no summary
- minecraft-backup — This is a backup management library for Minecraft servers. It should be run and used on a regular basis using cron or similar.
- mothertongues — Mother Tongues Dictionaries dictionary creation tool
- ninjadog — Pug template support in Python
- octo-drf — Django apps for OctoberWeb.
- onespacemedia-server-management — A set of server management tools used by Onespacemedia.
- osirium-vcdriver — A vcenter driver based on pyvmomi, fabric and pywinrm
- pyham — A tool to analyse Hierarchical Orthologous Groups (HOGs)
- ribosome.tool — Yet another project deploy and release tool
- rorolite — Command-line tool to deploy ML applications to your own server with a single command
- todolist-v1 — A simple Django app to keep track of your todo list. It comes with a RESTful API, celery task queue, Oauth2 and is fully tested.
- todolist-v2 — A simple Django app to keep track of your todo list. It comes with a RESTful API, celery task queue, Oauth2 and is fully tested and monitoring with tools such as Grafana.
- todolisthub-v2 — A simple Django app to keep track of your todo list. It comes with a RESTful API, celery task queue, Oauth2 and is fully tested.
- tomato_commander — Simple library for controlling static leases on a tomato router.
- vcdriver — A vcenter driver based on pyvmomi, fabric and pywinrm
- vcdriver2 — A vcenter driver based on pyvmomi, fabric and pywinrm
- volition-server-management — A set of server management tools used by Volition.
- vr.server — Velociraptor's Django and Celery components.
- ydcommon — YD Technology common libraries