Reverse Dependencies of fa2
The following projects have a declared dependency on fa2:
- cstreet — CStreet is a python script (python 3.6, 3.7 or 3.8) for cell state trajectory construction by using k-nearest neighbors graph algorithm for time-series single-cell RNA-seq data.
- evalne-gui — Plotly Dash based GUI for EvalNE
- harmonyTS — Harmony is a unified framework for data visualization, analysis and interpretation of scRNA-seq data measured across discrete time points
- nabo — Python library to perform memory efficient cross-sample cell mapping using single cell transciptomics (scRNA-Seq) data
- ngs-toolkit — A toolkit for NGS analysis with Python.
- scanpy-scripts — Scripts for using scanpy from the command line
- scedar — Single-cell exploratory data analysis for RNA-Seq
- scHiCPTR — An unsupervised pseudotime inference pipeline through dual graph refinement for single cell Hi-C data.
- spider-st — Identifying spatially variable interactions
- spiderYa — Identifying spatially variable interactions