Reverse Dependencies of f90nml
The following projects have a declared dependency on f90nml:
- aiida-icon — AiiDA Plugin to run simulations with the ICON weather & climate model
- boxmox — BOXMOX python interface
- camptools — Tools for camphor
- coilpy — Plotting and data processing tools for plasma and coil
- cubedsphere — Library for post processing of MITgcm cubed sphere data
- ddeq — Algorithms for data-driven detection and quantification of hot spot emissions in satellite observations.
- emout — Emses output manager
- ensembleperturbation — perturbation of coupled model input over a space of input variables
- esm-tools — ESM Tools external infrastructure for Earth System Modelling
- fastnml — A simple fast namelist parser
- finam-mhm — FINAM module for mHM.
- fv3config — FV3Config is used to configure and manipulate run directories for FV3GFS.
- fwl-janus — Temperature structure generator for planetory atmospheres.
- gcm-toolkit — postprocessing stuff
- icon-nmltools — A collection of tools to compare and process ICON namelists
- jetto-tools — Tools for plotting and manipulating JETTO runs.
- lampy — Python suite to access, manipulate and plot ALaDyn data
- metaLattice — A Python package to model lattice metamaterials, using Abaqus.
- model-config-tests — Test for ACCESS model (payu) configurations
- music-pykg — Python tools to read MUSIC output files
- music-scripts — MUSIC toolshed
- nfdata — Compile and edit input data for the NanoFASE model
- nmlread — Microapp Fortran namelist reader
- nobvisual — Visualization of nested objets.
- nucdens — Package to access nuclear density files
- pace-util — no summary
- payu — A climate model workflow manager for supercomputing environments
- pheasy — A calculator for high-order force constants and phonon quasiparticles.
- pyALF — Python interface for ALF, plus scripts and Jupyter notebooks.
- pymagicc — Python wrapper for the simple climate model MAGICC
- pymatgen — Python Materials Genomics is a robust materials analysis code that defines core object representations for structures
- pyposeidon — Framework for Sea Level Hydrodynamic simulations
- pyrolib — Python tools for MesoNH-Blaze model
- pyschism — Python package for working with SCHISM input and output files.
- pysurfex — Python API to SURFEX
- regional-mom6 — Automatic generation of regional configurations for Modular Ocean Model v6
- rmt-utilities — Python package for interacting with the high performance, parallel fortran code R-matrix with Time
- signaturesimulator — A Python package that simulates satellite data from passive optical and active microwave sensors based on land surface biogeophysical state variables (leaf area index, canopy height and soil moisture) and viewing geometries and times.
- simsopt — Framework for optimizing stellarators
- SiSo — no summary
- sosaa-gui — Graphical User Interface for Configuring, Running, and Approximating the SOSAA Model
- spdm — Ontology based modeling tools.
- stagpy — Tool for StagYY output files processing
- supy — the SUEWS model that speaks python
- telegram-simulation-bot — Interact with your computing cluster via telegram to get realtime information on your running jobs.
- ukaea-multiparser — Multiple File Parser for monitoring and processing updates to a given set of output files.
- uwnet — PyTorch training code for climate modeling
- wrfhydropy — API for the WRF-Hydro model
- WRFpy — A python application that provides an easy way to set up, run, and monitor (long) Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) simulations.
- xnemogcm — Interface to open NEMO global circulation model output dataset and create a xgcm grid.