Reverse Dependencies of ezdxf
The following projects have a declared dependency on ezdxf:
- adze-modeler — Creates an encapsulated FEM simulation
- build123d — A python CAD programming library
- cad-to-shapely — Import CAD files to Shapely geometry
- cadquery — CadQuery is a parametric scripting language for creating and traversing CAD models
- cadquery-arm — no summary
- cadquery-arm-test — no summary
- cellsium — CellSium – Cell Simulator for microfluidic microcolonies
- co2tools — Easily automate generating 3D models from DXF files and merge DXF files for CO2 laser cutting
- diffractio — Optical Diffraction and Interference (scalar and vectorial)
- django-cad-inspector — Import CAD drawings into Django and inspect them in VR with A-Frame
- django-geocad — Django app that imports CAD drawings in Leaflet.js maps
- druida — Metasurface-design artificial intelligence
- dxf-fix — Fixer for dxf files like those output by openscad
- dxf-frame-generator — Custom sized frames for digital fabrication.
- dxf-ruler-generator — Custom sized rulers for digital fabrication.
- engscript — EngScript is an experimental library aiming to provide fast OpenSCAD-like, python tool, with integrated rendering and assembly capabilities
- ezdxf-shapely — Convert DXF entities created by ezdxf to shapely geomerty objects.
- fem4room — Room Acoustics Simulation. Retrieve room impulse response using finite elements method.
- fibomat — fib-o-mat is a toolbox to generate patterns for focused ion beam instruments.
- foldable-robotics — Foldable robotics is a package for designing and analyzing foldable laminate robots
- geogeometry — A Python geometrical library made for geotechnical engineering.
- geomapi — A standard library to manage geomatic data
- haptic-harness-generator — Software to easily generate parameterized tiles for haptic harnesses
- hcapy — HCA private package
- heligeo — Python client for requests to heligeo API services
- Jord — Geodata toolbox
- K40Silence — K40Silence: Whisperer/MeerK40t Hybrid
- kgpy — Generic Python utilities for use with Kankelborg Group repositories.
- kicad-to-openpnp — Transform a KiCad footprint into a OpenPnP package
- linesplan — Ship Linesplan and Hydrostatics
- llgeo — Python library for Geotechnical Engineering
- marcobre-diff — no summary
- masque — Lithography mask library
- meerk40t — MeerK40t LaserCutter Software
- miningpy — python tools for mining engineering
- mpldxf — A fork of mpldxf - a matplotlib backend to write DXF drawings. Modified by NGI to handle geotechnical plots
- navibridge — A navigation bridge modeler
- nrv-py — NeuRon Virtualizer (NRV)
- OpenGlider — tool for glider design
- outline-router — Outline Router
- Patro — A Python library to make pattern for fashion design
- planar-magnetics — Create planar magnetic structures programmatically and export to CAD tools.
- PolyMesher — A Python package for polygonal mesh generation
- pore2chip — A package that takes 3D images of porous materials and generates representative micromodels
- pyslvs-ui — An open source planar linkage mechanism simulation and mechanical synthesis system.
- pysvg-cl3 — A python class to build SVG and 'paint' them as DXF or GDS.
- pyswtools — Set of tools to improve Solidworks usage
- qsketchmetric — Python 2D parametric DXF rendering engine.
- qutech-util — Utility package of the Quantum Technology group of RWTH Aachen
- RRFI — A brief description of your project
- rrfi-scripts — Scripts for RRFI POC
- segmentation-dxf — no summary
- srbpy — A Python/C++ Mixed Road Bridge Design Package
- subsurface — Subsurface data types and utilities
- tapesprocketdesigner — An application to design SMD tape sprockets
- trimesh — Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes.
- vern — templated auto processing/visualization of measured data
- vpype-dxf — vpype dxf plugin
- yapCAD — yet another procedural CAD and computational geometry system