Reverse Dependencies of extinction
The following projects have a declared dependency on extinction:
- ampel-hu-astro — Astronomy units for the Ampel system from HU-Berlin
- artistools — Plotting and analysis tools for the ARTIS 3D radiative transfer code for supernovae and kilonovae.
- astrorapid — Real-time Automated Photometric IDentification of astronomical transients
- astrostarfish — Covariance tools for fitting stellar spectra
- bayesn — Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of type Ia SNe
- CHILI-ETC — exposure time calculator of CHILI
- extrabol — Estimate SN bolometric light curves
- Formosa — ForMoSA: Forward Modeling Tool for Spectral Analysis
- hetdex-api — Tools to deal with HETDEX data releases
- hostphot — Global and local photometry of galaxies hosting supernovae or other transients
- lightcurve-fitting — Tools to fit analytical models to multiband light curves of astronomical transients
- mosfit — Modular software for fitting semi-analytical model predictions to observed astronomical transient data.
- NGSF — Next Generation SuperFit in Python
- piscola — Type Ia Supernova Light-curve fitting code
- pysedm — Simulating Transient in the sky and how to observe them
- shock-cooling-curve — A python module used to model the shock cooling emission from double-peaked supernovae.
- skysurvey — Simulating Transient in the sky and how to observe them
- sncosmo — Package for supernova cosmology based on astropy
- SNeSCOPE — Published version (April 2024)
- speconed — A lightweight package for the manipulation of 1-D astronomical specta
- SpecStacker — This is a new rest-frame spectral stacking code.
- ztfcosmo — Simulating Transient in the sky and how to observe them