Reverse Dependencies of exceptdrucker
The following projects have a declared dependency on exceptdrucker:
- adbshellexecuter — A class to execute ADB (Android Debug Bridge) commands on multiple operating systems.
- bluestacks5newinstances — Creates multiple instances of BlueStacks 5 with an independent system disk.
- cydrowinparser — window dump parser for Android
- cythonevparser — eventparser parser for Android
- cythonsendevent — Sendevent - Android with Cython
- cythonuiautomatorstruct — Sendevent - Android with Cython
- cytonuiautomatordump — uiautomator parser for Android
- interactiveshellsubproc — Interactive subprocess Instances for cmd.exe, powershell.exe, adb.exe, bash.exe without deadlocks - pure Python, no dependencies
- uiautomatoreventparser — Interacting with uiautomator events
- xmlhtml2pandas — html/ocr parser using Cython/lxml/Tesseract/ImageMagick/Pandas