Reverse Dependencies of eulerangles
The following projects have a declared dependency on eulerangles:
- dynamo2m — Interface the cryo-EM packages warp, dynamo and M
- dynamo2relion — Converts Dynamo table files to RELION star files
- MagpiEM — Automated cleaning of sub-tomogram particle picking data
- napari-subboxer — A napari plugin for interacting with electron cryotomograms
- peepingtom — Python tool for visualising and interacting with cryo-ET and subtomogram averaging data.
- relion2dynamo — Converts RELION particle star files to Dynamo tables
- stemia — A personal collection of (sometimes...) useful scripts and tools for cryoem/cryoet.
- tbl2star — A tool converting DYNAMO table files(.tbl) to RELION star files(.star)