Reverse Dependencies of escapism
The following projects have a declared dependency on escapism:
- aicrowd-repo2docker — Repo2docker: Turn code repositories into Jupyter enabled Docker Images
- anymlops — A data science platform that works.
- binderhub — Turn a Git repo into a collection of interactive notebooks
- crowdai-repo2docker — no summary
- datalab-ltiauthenticator — JupyterHub authenticator implementing LTI v1.1 and LTI v1.3
- dock8r — CLI translating common Docker commands to run containers in K8s
- dockerspawner — Dockerspawner: A custom spawner for Jupyterhub.
- dws-repo2docker — Repo2docker: Turn code repositories into Jupyter enabled Docker Images
- jupyter-build2docker — Build2docker: Turn code repositories into Jupyter enabled Docker Images
- jupyter-jsc-custom — Helper classes and functions, used for JupyterHubs running at Juelich Supercomputing centre
- jupyter-repo2docker — Repo2docker: Turn code repositories into Jupyter enabled Docker Images
- jupyter-videochat — Video Chat with peers inside JupyterLab and RetroLab
- jupyterflow — Run your workflow on JupyterHub
- jupyterhub-forwardbasespawner — JupyterHub BaseSpawner class. Enables remote single-user server.
- jupyterhub-kubespawner — JupyterHub Spawner for Kubernetes
- jupyterhub-kubespawner-dev — JupyterHub Spawner targeting Kubernetes
- jupyterhub-ltiauthenticator — JupyterHub authenticator implementing LTI v1.1 and LTI v1.3
- jupyterhub-multicluster-kubespawner — JupyterHub Spawner for spawning into multiple kubernetes clusters
- jupyterhub-outpostspawner — JupyterHub OutpostSpawner enables start on multiple, remote system
- jupyterhub-share — JupyterHub Share feature. Enables to easily share chosen UserOptions.
- jupyterhub-singleuser-profiles — A library allowing JupyterHub admins and users to customize and extend Jupyter workspace deployments on OpenShift
- jupyterhub-singleuser-profiles-00 — A library allowing JupyterHub admins and users to customize and extend Jupyter workspace deployments on OpenShift
- jupyterhub-singleuser-profiles-03 — A library allowing JupyterHub admins and users to customize and extend Jupyter workspace deployments on OpenShift
- jupyterhub-singleuser-profiles-custom — A library allowing JupyterHub admins and users to customize and extend Jupyter workspace deployments on OpenShift
- jupyterhub-singleuser-profiles-frontend — A library allowing JupyterHub admins and users to customize and extend Jupyter workspace deployments on OpenShift
- jupyterhub-singleuser-profiles-id — A library allowing JupyterHub admins and users to customize and extend Jupyter workspace deployments on OpenShift
- jupyterhub-traefik-proxy — JupyterHub proxy implementation with traefik
- jupyterhub-unicorespawner — JupyterHub Spawner for UNICORE
- jupyterlab-rtc-hub-settings — A JupyterLab extension to manage real time collaboration settings on JupyterHub
- kbatch-proxy — Proxy batch job requests to kubernetes.
- moriarty — moriarty
- naas — scheduler system for notebooks
- nebari — A Jupyter and Dask-powered open source data science platform.
- pangeo-forge-runner — Commandline tool to manage pangeo-forge feedstocks
- qhub — Management of QHub on Cloud Infrastructure
- rubin-kubespawner — JupyterHub Spawner for Kubernetes (Rubin asyncio version)
- sqrekubespawner — LSST SQuaRE flavor of KubeSpawner