Reverse Dependencies of eo-learn
The following projects have a declared dependency on eo-learn:
- eo-grow — Earth observation framework for scaled-up processing in Python
- eo-learn-core — Core Machine Learning Framework at Sinergise
- eo-learn-coregistration — A collection of image co-registration EOTasks
- eo-learn-features — A collection of feature manipulation EOTasks and utilities
- eo-learn-geometry — A collection of geometry EOTasks and utilities
- eo-learn-io — A collection of input/output EOTasks and utilities
- eo-learn-mask — A collection of masking EOTasks and utilities
- eo-learn-ml-tools — A collection of machine learning EOTasks and utilities
- eo-learn-visualization — A collection of visualization utilities
- fguard — Detect deforestation on area over a given period of time
- linder — linder is a machine-learning based land use/land cover (LULC) classifier using Sentinel imagery.