Reverse Dependencies of enum34
The following projects have a declared dependency on enum34:
- neres — (unofficial) NewRelic Synthetics CLI
- netconan — Netconan network configuration anonymization utilities
- nexus-keycode — Angaza Nexus backend libraries for managing PAYG devices
- nfldb-redux — A library to manage and update NFL data in a relational database.
- nfldb3 — A library to manage and update NFL data in a Postgres database updated for Python 3.8. Based on code written byAndrew Gallant.
- nginx-config-builder — A python library for generating nginx configs.
- NiceLib — A package for rapidly developing "nice" Python bindings to C libraries, using `cffi`
- nirum — The Nirum runtime library for Python
- nixio — Python reimplementation of NIXIO (
- nixnet — NI-XNET Python API
- nkbjbjhbgvbhj — Python client library for Swagger Petstore API
- no-cloud — There is no cloud
- notipi — A PyPI package to deliver notifications via your own telegram bot
- oa-pynput — Monitor and control user input devices
- objetto — Object-oriented framework for building smart applications and APIs
- objettoqt — Utilities to use Objetto with Qt
- ocean-x-package-sdk — Use Oceanx for logistics.
- odinweb — Toolkit for building web API's using Odin
- odoo-launcher — Create config compatible with Odoo
- okonomiyaki — Self-contained library to deal with metadata in Enthought-specific egg and runtime archives
- ollehtv — Python library for controlling an Olleh TV STB
- omsdk — Dell OpenManage SDK
- ooi — OOI: OpenStack OCCI Interface
- Opacify — no summary
- opal-azure-cli-core — Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Core Module
- open-weather-generated-sdk — open weather api
- open-weather-one-call-sdk — SDK for OneWeather API built by APIMatic
- OpenFisca-Web-API — Web API for OpenFisca
- openmetadata-sqlalchemy-redshift — Amazon Redshift Dialect of sqlalchemy for Openmetadata
- opp-perch — Open Permissions Platform Couchdb Library
- package-test-calc — Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
- Packo — Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
- pandas_confusion — Pandas matrix confusion with plot features (matplotlib, seaborn...)
- pandas_ml — pandas, scikit-learn and xgboost integration
- paps — Pi/Python-based Audience Participation System
- paradrop — ParaDrop wireless virtualization
- params-py — Command line flags alternative for Jupyter
- parse_type — Simplifies to build parse types based on the parse module
- perflog — Performance stats logger
- petstore-sdk — this is pet description.
- petstore-test — Python client library for Swagger Petstore API
- PGPy — Pretty Good Privacy for Python
- pgzero — A zero-boilerplate 2D games framework
- phootonics-controller — no summary
- pi-mqtt-gpio — Expose the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins (and/or external IO modules such as the PCF8574) to an MQTT server. This allows pins to be read and switched by reading or writing messages to MQTT topics.
- pibot — Library for controlling the PiBot
- pies — The simplest way to write one program that runs on both Python 2 and Python 3.
- pike-smb2 — Pure python SMB client
- Pilpxi — Python wrapper library for Pickering PXI Direct-IO driver
- Pilxi — Python wrapper Library for Pickering LXI ClientBridge driver
- pinhook — a pluggable irc bot framework in python
- pipgrip — Lightweight pip dependency resolver with deptree preview functionality based on the PubGrub algorithm
- Pipx40 — Python Pipx40 is a Python wrapper for Pickering PXI VISA-compliant driver
- Pircpy — Python wrapper Library for Pickering PIRC API
- plaidml — PlaidML machine learning accelerator
- plexiglas — Tool for downloading videos from your Plex server to an external HDD
- plugandpie — Device driver and automation for common sensors
- poetry-core-donotuse — no summary
- pqapiv-2 — desc
- prettytensor — Pretty Tensor makes learning beautiful
- prinder — Posts a list of open pull requests for an organization
- procmon-parser — Parser to Procmon configuration and log files formats
- proxenos — proxenos: A rendezvous hashing and service routing toolkit.
- psutil — Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python.
- psutil-wheels — Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python.
- pubg-python — A python wrapper for the PUBG developer API
- pulsestreamer — A client software for Swabian Instrument's Pulse Streamer 8/2
- pup-confluent-kafka — Patched version of Confluent's Python client for Apache Kafka
- puppeter — Puppeter - an automatic puppet installer
- push7 — Python API Client for Push7
- pwnypack — Official Certified Edible Dinosaurs CTF toolkit.
- py-tunes — A Python API for the iTunes application and music library
- py3oauth2 — OAuth 2.0 library for Python 3.
- pyangbind — PyangBind is a plugin for pyang which converts YANG data models into a Python class hierarchy, such that Python can be used to manipulate data that conforms with a YANG model.
- Pyautomators — Biblioteca de automação para geracao completa de ambientacao de testes
- PyBeacon — Python package for scanning and advertising Eddystone-URLs and Eddystone-UID.
- pyconcordion2 — Concordion Python Port
- pydivert — Python binding to windivert driver
- pyecobee — A Python implementation of the ecobee API
- pyecore-py2 — A Python(ic) Implementation of the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF/Ecore), Python 2.7 backport
- pyejabberd — A Python client for the Ejabberd XMLRPC API
- pyexpool — A lightweight multi-process Execution Pool with load balancing and customizable resource consumption constraints.
- pyfields — Define fields in python classes. Easily.
- pyGarufa — Python connector for ROFEX's Rest and Websocket APIs. For multiples comitentes
- pygsheets — Google Spreadsheets Python API v4
- pyhton-package — This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at []( or on [, #swagger]( For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
- pyioc — Python IoC tools.
- pyirobot — Control iRobot cleaning robots
- PyKMIP — KMIP v1.1 library
- pylibdmtx — Read and write Data Matrix barcodes from Python 2 and 3.
- pymetrics — Versatile metrics collection for Python
- pynba — lightweight timers and wsgi middleware to monitor performance in production systems
- pyniryo — Package to control Niryo Robot "Ned" through TCP
- pynput — Monitor and control user input devices
- pynput-robocorp-fork — Monitor and control user input devices
- pyoozie — A Python client for querying and scheduling with Oozie
- pypass — Pass in python
- pypinyin — 汉字拼音转换模块/工具.
- pyrdmia — Interval Arithmetic package
- pyrebrickable — no summary