Reverse Dependencies of enum-compat
The following projects have a declared dependency on enum-compat:
- aha-scrapyd — Pre-built of Scrapyd
- algorithmia — Algorithmia Python Client
- arctic — AHL Research Versioned TimeSeries and Tick store
- arctic-aarch64 — AHL Research Versioned TimeSeries and Tick store
- arctic-latest — AHL Research Versioned TimeSeries and Tick store. We are publishing the latest version of it.
- arcticdb — ArcticDB DataFrame Database
- asn1 — Python-ASN1 is a simple ASN.1 encoder and decoder for Python 2.7+ and 3.5+.
- bg — Implementation of Breakpoint Graph data structure
- CAMSA — CAMSA: a tool for Comparative Analysis and Merging of Scaffold Assemblies
- catchpoint-trace — Catchpoint Python agent
- chatette — A dataset generator for Rasa NLU
- clokta — no summary
- configcat-client — ConfigCat SDK for Python.
- django-rest-url-filter — Django URL Filter provides a safe way to filter data via human-friendly URLs (compatible with Django 4).
- django-url-filter — Django URL Filter provides a safe way to filter data via human-friendly URLs.
- drf-url-filter — Django URL Filter provides a safe way to filter data via human-friendly URLs.
- DtCrawlEngine — 一个使用http api提供爬虫脚本服务的引擎
- emv — EMV Smartcard Protocol Library
- enocean — EnOcean serial protocol implementation
- enocean-tempfixup — EnOcean serial protocol implementation
- enoceanx — EnOcean serial protocol implementation with support for 4BS teach-in. This is just a fork of enocean by kipe. Credits belong to the original author.
- fastr — Workflow creation and batch execution environment.
- flake8_strict — Flake8 plugin that checks Python code against a set of opinionated style rules
- gos-asm — Multi-genome gene order based scaffold assembler
- grakn-client — Grakn Client for Python
- haldane — A friendly http interface to the aws api
- intuit-oauth — Intuit OAuth Client
- Layernode — LayerProtocol blockchain
- libsoundtouch — Bose Soundtouch Python library
- metadate — All your date are belong to us
- mod-chalice — Microframework
- model-archiver — Model Archiver is used for creating archives of trained neural net models that can be consumed by MXNet-Model-Server inference
- nameko-neo4j — Neo4j dependency for nameko services
- piecash — A pythonic interface to GnuCash SQL documents.
- PPCommons — A Python3 package to rapidly setup server-less applications for AWS Lambda with generic features
- py-enocean — EnOcean serial protocol implementation
- pygatt — Python Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) and GATT Library
- pygattpi — Python Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) and GATT Library, forked from peplin/pygatt
- pyinovonics — Inovonics serial protocol implementation
- python-registry — Read access to Windows Registry files.
- pyueye — pyueye - Python bindings for uEye API.
- qmenta-sdk-lib — The QMENTA Python SDK offers a simple connector API that allows developers to integrate their tools with the QMENTA platform.
- robopython — Robo Wunderkind Python API - BLED112 USB Dongle Required
- scrapydartx — a extension from ScrapydArt
- signalk_client — python client library for the SignalK protocol
- streamlit — Streaming Data Science
- suap-duf — Django URL Filter provides a safe way to filter data via human-friendly URLs.
- terncy — A Python library for controlling Terncy home automation system.
- thundra — Catchpoint Python agent
- torch-model-archiver — Torch Model Archiver is used for creating archives of trained neural net models that can be consumed by TorchServe inference
- torch-model-archiver-ag — Torch Model Archiver is used for creating archives of trained neural net models that can be consumed by TorchServe inference
- torch-model-archiver-nightly — Torch Model Archiver is used for creating archives of trained neural net models that can be consumed by TorchServe inference
- vernierpygatt — Python Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) and GATT Library