Reverse Dependencies of emoji
The following projects have a declared dependency on emoji:
- a-data-processing — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- a2 — Package for predicting information about the weather from social media data as application 2 for maelstrom project
- ab-data-processing — Data Processing is used for data processing through MinIO, databases, Web APIs, etc.
- abstract-telegram-processor — Abstract telegram processor.
- adaptive-scheduler — Run many `adaptive.Learner`s on many cores (>10k) using `mpi4py.futures`, `ipyparallel`, `dask-mpi`, or `process-pool`.
- ai-dataproc — no summary
- ailingbot — An all-in-one solution to empower your IM bot with AI.
- ainlp — nlp library which support text processing methods, text match methods, etc.
- aiokilogram — Convenience tools and wrappers for aiogram
- aipalette-nlp — Ai Palette NLP toolkit
- aipkgs-core — Core package for aipy packages.
- airosentris — A sentiment analysis platform with AI runner and trainer components
- alfred3 — A library for rapid development of dynamic and interactive online experiments in the social sciences.
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- allinoneinstagrambot — Thank you for using AllInOneInstagramBot tool, if you encounter an error during use, please contact me Powered by UIAutomator2 and compatible with basically any android device that can run instagram - real or emulated.
- altest — no summary
- ansys-ace-project-gen — Ansys ACE Project Generator
- aomaker — An api testing framework
- apexx — Apex-x is a project to create a new project by using a blueprint for ANY LANGUAGE!
- arabert — AraBERT is a Python library that contains thecode for the AraBERT, AraGPT2 and AraELECTRA models withthe preprocessing scripts.
- arac — Data Processing is used for data processing through MinIO, databases, Web APIs, etc.
- arpakitlib — arpakitlib
- articutapi — Articut NLP system provides not only finest results on Chinese word segmentaion (CWS), Part-of-Speech tagging (POS) and Named Entity Recogintion tagging (NER), but also the fastest online API service in the NLP industry.
- async-notify — Asyncio-based Library for send notifications (messages) to users.
- async-slack — no summary
- atomicmixer — AtomicMixerRefundTool
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- AutoRAG — Automatically Evaluate RAG pipelines with your own data. Find optimal structure for new RAG product.
- autoviml — Automatically Build Variant Interpretable ML models fast - now with CatBoost!
- autoviz — Automatically Visualize any dataset, any size with a single line of code
- avi-mmdet — Custom OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
- badook-tests — badook data testing framework for Python
- basiclingua — A Python library based on various LLMs to perform basic and advanced natural language processing (NLP) tasks
- beaupy — A library of elements for interactive TUIs in Python
- bengalinlp — BengaliNLP is a natural language processing toolkit for Bengali Language
- beymax — A high-level, functional programming wrapper to
- bflower-base — A Python package with a built-in web application
- bisheng-unstructured — ETLs fro LLMs
- blue-stability — 🟦 a command interface to
- bnlp-toolkit — BNLP is a natural language processing toolkit for Bengali Language
- botbond — botbond
- botbuilder-dialogs — Microsoft Bot Framework Bot Builder
- botshot — A framework for creating stateful chatbots on Django.
- bunkai — Sentence boundary disambiguation tool for Japanese texts
- calcfaselunar — Librería demo
- calculadorafaselunar — Librería demo
- camel-morph — An environment for creating, and debugging morphological grammars that can be used in conjunction with morphological analyzers/generatorsdeveloped by the CAMeL Lab at New York University Abu Dhabi.
- camel-tools — A suite of Arabic natural language processing tools developed by the CAMeL Lab at New York University Abu Dhabi.
- cancerify — Turn an innocent text into torturous hell
- catscore — Core library for crawling and web scraping
- catswalk — Core library for crawling and web scraping
- catswalk2 — Core library for crawling and web scraping
- ccml2021 — ccml2021
- cerebraai — Cerebra is an AI Orchestrator for LLM models.
- chat-archive — Easy to use offline chat archive
- chat-exporter — A simple Discord chat exporter for Python Discord bots.
- chat-exporter-hikari — A simple Discord chat exporter for Python Discord bots.
- chat-sosal — sosAl?
- cherryblossom — CherryBlossom: an API for Nosedive AI
- chillboss — Let's chill, Pointer moves forever.
- cj-package — cj package.
- cjops — cj ops.
- clean-text — Functions to preprocess and normalize text.
- cleansetext — A Python library for cleaning text data
- cli2telegram — Small utility to send Telegram messages from the CLI.
- cliqs — Module provides implementation of multilingual crisis social media summarization model.
- ClointFusion — Python based Automation (RPA) Platform
- coggle — 数据挖掘和人工智能项目最佳实践
- cometaNLP — A NLP data and text analysis tool for Italian, Dutch, and English social media comments.
- Command-Line-File-Manager — CLI tool for managing local file system storage
- commanderbot — A collection of utilities and extensions for bots.
- commanderbot-ext — A collection of cogs and extensions for bots.
- commercecraft-utils — A Python utility for translating CSV files between different languages using OpenAI's API
- compllments — Send nice texts to your friends using LLMs
- convectors — NLP package
- conversant — Conversational AI tooling
- coordinationz — Package to create networks for detecting coordination in social media.
- copypastor — For clipboard copy/paste remote action ;-)
- core-eda — A name matching package
- costack-cli — no summary
- coveo-styles — Styles, colors and emojis for the command line.
- crypto-bot — Crypto Info Bot
- csebuetnlp-normalizer — Normalizer for bengali / english text.
- csv2notion — Import/Merge CSV files into Notion database
- csv2notion-neo — Upload & Merge CSV or JSON Data with Images to Notion Database
- cuta — no summary
- cz-emoji — A `commitizen` plugin like `commitizen-emoji`, but more consistent with the [Conventional Commit]( spec and addition of custom emojis in messages.
- d-snek-cogs-send — Discord SNEK Cog; Send
- DadmaTools — DadmaTools is a Persian NLP toolkit
- dalle-mini — DALL·E mini - Generate images from a text prompt
- data-elegant — data_elegant is a data processing module that covers a variety of commonly used data processing methods, aiming to help users process data elegantly
- data-modori — LMOps Tool for Korean
- data-preprocessing-lib-byarat — An easy peasy comprehensive library for data preprocessing tasks
- data-safe-haven — An open-source framework for creating secure environments to analyse sensitive data.
- data-science-toolkit — Data Science Toolkit (DST) is a Python library that helps implement data science related project with ease.
- datajuggler — Utility for data juggling.
- datascrub — A Python package for cleaning and preprocessing data in pandas DataFrames
- datawords — A library to work with text data
- davat — davat(دوات) is a very simple tools for normalizeing and cleaning Persian text
- db-copilot-tool — nl2sql tool for prompt flow