Reverse Dependencies of emcee
The following projects have a declared dependency on emcee:
- 21CMMC — An extensible MCMC framework for 21cmFAST
- abacusutils — Python and C/C++ code to read halo catalogs and other Abacus N-body data products
- ACID-code — Returns line profiles from input spectra by fitting the stellar continuum and performing LSD
- amical — no summary
- an-example-package — Functions for technical justification
- apollinaire — Module for helio- and asteroseismic data analysis
- appletree — A high-Performance Program simuLatEs and fiTs REsponse of xEnon.
- approxposterior — Gaussian Process Approximation to Posterior Distributions
- Ascopy — A python package of Yuan et al.’s copula method.
- astro-eddy — Tools to recover expectionally precise rotation curves from spatially resolved spectra.
- astrobase — Python modules and scripts useful for variable star work in astronomy.
- astroemperor — PTMCMC sampler for exoplanet search
- astroglam — A code to leverage ALMA and JWST data to infer the gas density, metallicity, and burstiness of galaxies.
- AstronomyCalc — no summary
- astroPIPS — Processes photometric data for variable stars
- astroslam — A forward model using SVR to estimate stellar parameters from spectra.
- astrosn — Supernova analysis library by @emirkmo
- autoemcee — Run affine-invariant sampler in automated fashion until convergence.
- autofit — Classy Probabilistic Programming
- autoPyTorch — Auto-PyTorch searches neural architectures using smac
- balrogo — Bayesian Astrometric Likelihood Recovery of Galactic Objects
- bask — A fully Bayesian implementation of sequential model-based optimization
- bayesvalidrox — An open-source, object-oriented Python package for surrogate-assisted Bayesain Validation of computational models.
- bayesvp — Bayesian MCMC Voigt Profile Fitting
- bayspec — Astronomical spectrum fitting tool
- beansp — Bayesian Estimation of Accreting Neutron Stars parameters
- bilby — A user-friendly Bayesian inference library
- bioscrape — Biological Stochastic Simulation of Single Cell Reactions and Parameter Estimation
- blendz — Bayesian photometric redshifts of blended sources.
- bs-python-utils — my Python utilities
- burstfit — Spectro-temporal modeling of FRBs
- CADETMatch — CADETMatch is a parameter estimation and error modeling library for CADET
- cdsaxs — package streamlines CD-SAXS data analysis by combining model generation, optimization, and uncertainty estimation for nanostructure characterization
- celerite2 — Fast and scalable Gaussian Processes in 1D
- chemex — An analysis program for chemical exchange detected by NMR
- cheope — CHEOPE: studying transiting exoplanets
- citlalicue — Create stellar light curves!
- clophfit — Cli for fitting macromolecule pH titration or binding assays data e.g. fluorescence spectra.
- cofi — Common Framework for Inference
- confitti — Fit conic sections (ellipse, parabola, hyperbola) to a set of 2d points
- dataprob — Do likelihood based parameter estimation using maximum likeihood and bayesian methods
- dddm — Direct Detection of Dark Matter: Probing the complementarity of several targets for dark matter detection
- deft-hep — dEFT is a tool for performing fits of EFT coefficients to HEP data in seconds
- demcmc — Differential Emission Measure calculations using Monte Carlo methods.
- dime-sampler — DIME MCMC sampling for python
- dinf — discriminator-based inference for population genetics
- eensight — A library for measurement and verification of energy efficiency projects.
- elisa — Eclipsing Binary Modeling Software
- emcwrap — Tools for Bayesian inference using Ensemble MCMC
- emgfit — Fitting of time-of-flight mass spectra with Hyper-EMG models
- emukit — Toolkit for decision making under uncertainty.
- enterprise-extensions — Extensions, model shortcuts, and utilities for the enterprise PTA analysis framework.
- epistasis — A Python API for estimating statistical high-order epistasis in genotype-phenotype maps.
- espei — Fitting thermodynamic models with pycalphad.
- eulerpi — The eulerian parameter inference (eulerpi) returns a parameter distribution, which is consistent with the observed data by solving the inverse problem directly. In the case of a one-to-one mapping, this is the true underlying distribution.
- ExoPix — ExoPix: Applying PSF Subtraction with pyKLIP to JWST
- exoplanet — Fast and scalable MCMC for all your exoplanet needs
- extrabol — Estimate SN bolometric light curves
- eztao — A toolkit for Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) time-series analysis.
- FitTransit — Fitting transits of exoplanets
- fortesfit — Flexible SED fitting for astrophysics
- funfolding — Having fun with unfolding.
- galapy-fit — GalaPy - Spectral modelling tool for galaxies in Python
- galaxysled — A code to reproduce and fit a galaxy CO SLED
- GAPlanetS — The GAPlanetS Data Reduction Pipeline
- gaussbock — Fast parallel-iterative cosmological parameter estimation with Bayesian nonparametrics
- gEconpy — A package for solving, estimating, and analyzing DSGE models
- Gedi — Generating Event Data with Intentional Features for Benchmarking Process Mining
- gistPipeline — The GIST Framework: A multi-purpose tool for the analysis and visualisation of (integral-field) spectroscopic data
- gptransits — Fit planetary transits and stellar signals at the same time with the help of gaussian processes
- grip-nulling — Self-calibration data reduction tools for nulling interferometry
- gstools — GSTools: A geostatistical toolbox.
- halo-fdca — Fit 2D proflile of Radio Halos from FITS files
- hav — This HAV (hierarchical ABM validation) package helps you to comprehensively validate agent-based models.
- heron-model — Heron is a machine learning package for Python
- hmf — A halo mass function calculator
- HOGBEN — Holistic Optimization for Generating Better Experimental Neutrons - a package for optimzing neutron experiments using the Fisher information
- hyperfit — Properly fit data with x and y errors
- icesat2waves — Tools to analyze wave tracks using icesat2 data
- icetemp — Code to solve the one-dimensional englacial temperature evolution model (both inversion and forward sensitivity simulations) presented in the article Geothermal heat flux is the dominant source of uncertainty in englacial-temperature-based dating of ice-rise formation by Montelli and Kingslake in The Cryosphere.
- impedancefitter — Library for fitting impedance data to equivalent circuit models.
- InDiCA — INtegrated DIagnostiC Analysis
- ipanema3 — Fitting Tool for High Energy Physics
- iragnsep — Fits of IR SEDs including AGN contribution.
- jaims — Library for jax based affine-invariant MCMC sampling
- jammer — Library for jax based affine-invariant MCMC sampling
- jaxili — This package provides tools to execute and implement Implicit Likelihood Inference tools in JAX.
- jetset — A framework for self-consistent modeling and fitting of astrophysical relativistic jets SEDs
- juliet — juliet: a versatile modelling tool for transiting exoplanets, radial-velocity systems or both
- kesacco — Keen Event Simulation and Analysis for CTA Cluster Observations: python code to simulate and analyse galaxy cluster data with CTA
- kiauhoku — Utilities for interacting and interpolating stellar evolution models
- laff — GRB lightcurve flare and continuum fitter.
- layg — Learn-as-you-go emulator with error estimation
- lenstools — Toolkit for Weak Gravitational Lensing analysis
- lightcurve-fitting — Tools to fit analytical models to multiband light curves of astronomical transients
- lisa-globalfit-framework — LISA GlobalFit Framework
- lite-bo — Efficient and generalized blackbox optimization (BBO) system
- lmfit — Least-Squares Minimization with Bounds and Constraints
- lymph-model — Package for statistical modelling of lymphatic metastatic spread.
- lyscripts — Package containing scripts used in lynference pipelines