Reverse Dependencies of elasticdeform
The following projects have a declared dependency on elasticdeform:
- baby-seg — Birth Annotator for Budding Yeast
- batoolset — An aggregate of functions I find useful
- DiSTNet2D — tensorflow/keras implementation of DiSTNet 2D
- epyseg — A deep learning based tool to segment epithelial tissues. The epyseg GUI can be uesd to build, train or run custom networks
- modelzoo-iitm — Model Zoo by IIT Madras
- mssfp — mSSFP is library for image reconstuction for multi-acqusition SSFP
- napari-mm3 — a plugin for mother machine image analysis
- neuralnets — A library, based on PyTorch, that implements basic neural network algorithms and useful functions
- PixMClass — Multiclass pixel classification
- pyfigures — PyFigures will assist you assemble publication ready scientific figures in no time.
- spatialMETA — spatialMETA: a deep learning framework for spatial multiomics